
Chapter - 142 You are going to England

"I have talked with him, he's going to England six months after so I want you to go with him," he said again, what? I can't go to England, there is my boyfriend in a coma, I want to stay with him, I will wait for him, I will be with him, I don't want to go away

"I am sorry father but I can't go," I said to him

"Why? You will be there with Noah, it will be good for you," he said again

"Why do I need to go? I can stay here, I am not afraid of that motherfucker, I will stay here," I said again, I can see my father staring at my eyes, he holds my hands

"Please Noah, try to understand," he said again

"What do I need to understand? I can't leave my boyfriend," I said again

"What boyfriend are you talking about? That one who is in a coma? The doctor has already said that there is a very low chance that he will wake up so what are you gonna do here?" He said again
