
Death Knight

                                Poseidon was shocked… How come Ryan managed to surprise him? Even Ryan was surprised. He caused too much damage, he only fired a few dozen Lunar Arrows, and now Poseidon's back was covered in blood.

"This is weird… I was using DEX and INT potions while I was running away, but…" Ryan frowned. "Didn't I just cause too much damage?"

"Yes… I don't know if the closer you are to the moon, the more damage you can cause, but the fact that you can see the entire moon from outer space probably is playing a major role here," Femradiel replied. "Still, even if that were to increase the power of your attacks by ten times, you shouldn't be able to cause so much damage to him. Unless…"

"Unless?" Ryan asked.

"Unless elder gods are weaker against the attacks of other elder gods," Femradiel replied. "Isis said that you had a fraction of the power of the elder gods, and she was talking about Lunar Arrow."
