
A Deal With The Devi- Nice Guy

[Hey friend, could you give me a hand?!] 

Why am I asking help from a random guy riding what is clearly an evil-looking creature? Well, first, appearances can be deceiving. Second, I'm desperate! Okay, really, it's mostly for the second reason. 

The three humans and the creature all turn toward me. I see their obvious leader nodding toward my general area. Wait, he seems blind. I wonder if he has a way to perceive his surroundings using magic. He seems to have a kind smile adorning his face. Kind? Time to appeal to that! 

[Please help me! I'm getting bullied by these horrible people! They surrounded me without reason and decided to kill me for fun!] 

That gets the armies riled up. 

"A man that was lying in ambush on the site of a battlefield claiming innocence, is it? How ridiculous!" 
