
CH2: Onwards To a Higher Peak

When Shi Feng woke up again, he found himself in a cluttered room. He started looking around. Clothes everywhere, open noodle cups, gaming books everywhere, an old iPhone 6, an old laptop, a young Shi Feng in the mirror... Slowly but surely, everything was making less and less sense.

He reached for his phone. "How the hell is it April 15th, 2129?" said Shi Feng reluctantly. He didn't know what to do until suddenly the notification sound went off again.


[Say 'Status']

"what... status?"



Name: Shi Feng

Age: 20

HP: 100/100

Stats: (Strength - 2) (Agility - 1) (Endurance - 2) (Intelligence - 4) (Vitality - 1)

Martial Realm: None

Money: 16,000 Credits



[Almighty System Wielder]

- Level: N/A

- As the wielder of the almighty system, you will get to pick anything you want from the Almighty Repository to make yourself stronger.

- The reward system is not bound by quests or a certain system currency.

- Warning! Host is affected by the Law of Universal Balance, which no being can oppose.



_=Almighty Repository=_

~Almighty Starter Pack


[Hey Host, about time you woke up. I know you think this doesn't make sense. But there's no time to dwell on that. What matters is that because of your determination to become the strongest, you were chosen as the host of the Almighty System. I don't think I need to explain what a system is, seeing as you have your fair share of knowledge regarding this. You can control the system through your mind. What I can tell you is that this system is extremely generous, compared to other systems, as you can see in the Skills Section of the system. But remember, benefits never come without consequences. I won't be taking too much of your time now, seeing as you have your work cut out for you. Get your starter pack and embark on the path of the Almighty. One piece of advice, from this point on, try not to be too surprised at what you get from the system, the system didn't get it's name for no reason...]

"uhh... right..." still reeling, and trying to gather his thoughts, Shi Feng was thinking. After a while, he started grinning. "Everything is gonna be different this time around huh?. I definitely have to do something about improving these stats though.". With a thought; 'Select Starter Pack'.



Opening Almighty Starter Pack...


- 550 million Credits

- S-Rank Nutrient Fluids x200

- Almighty Gaming Pod


"Oh shit..." said Shi Feng surprised, completely forgetting the previous words of the system. Out of nowhere, a big container materialized in front of him. Fortunately, he took the advice of the system and tried not to be too surprised. He placed his hand on the container and it disappeared. Now in front of him were 4 huge tungsten boxes, a white card, and a gaming pod decorated with orange and black patterns.

"This system is amazing, I might even be able to build the strongest force in God's Domain with this, no matter where I go." Shi Feng was excited and immediately got to work. First order of business: his parents. In his past life, he failed at taking proper care of his parents. Even after making millions, he forgot them, resulting in it becoming a plague that ate away at his heart. No matter how strong he got, nothing could fix the damage done. This time around, he decided to give them a call and had a long conversation with them. He explained to them that he had finally established himself, and got a job as a gamer. Being the supportive and loving parents they are, they were just glad that he was okay and healthy. In the end, Shi Feng transferred 50,016,000 Credits to his parents, making sure they could live a life of leisure and free of struggle. Moving on, Shi Feng now had 500 million Credits to his name.

Next, Shi Feng went ahead and contacted Blackie and set up a meeting with him to explain the plans he had. Blackie was surprised and thought Shi Feng was joking at first, as he could not believe Shi Feng planned to set up his own workshop. But being the brother he is, Blackie chose to trust Shi Feng. After that, Shi Feng filled out the form to drop out of University and sent it to the Admissions Office, since most of his time will be dedicated to gaming and training. He told Blackie to do the same.

Now Shi Feng needed to sort out his living situation. He decided to make a variety of purchases. Two of the latest-model Quantum Watches, one for him and one for Blackie; He purchased a contemporary home for his own use. Finally, he consulted with a real estate agent for a building in a good location and selected the best one on the market. With the purchase of the building, as a bonus, he received a contemporary motorcycle along with a helmet and a full-body nano-suit. All in all, this came out to a whopping 450 million credits. He pretty much spent all day taking care of these matters, which left him with 50 million Credits left.

April 16th, 2129

Morning the next day, up bright and early, Shi Feng got to work once again. He contacted a moving company to move most of his belongings to his home and some to his new 75-story skyscraper. In the afternoon, everything was done. The bike, along with all accessories was delivered to him immediately. He equipped his nano-suit, put his helmet on, and off he went, towards his new home. Although the home was a bit far, the motorcycle was extremely quick and agile. Along the way, he picked up a few essentials, not too much since he was on a bike after all. He arrived in about 5 minutes. He proceeded to take the rest of the day to familiarize himself with his new home. After roughly 30 minutes, he decided to start training, for the purpose of building a more solid foundation before the start of God's Domain. He drank a bottle of S-Rank fluids and started his training. When he was finished, he was beyond shocked by the results of the S-Rank Fluids. He showered, and before he went to bed, 'Status' thought Shi Feng.



Name: Shi Feng

Age: 20

HP: 120/120


(Strength - 2→4)

(Agility - 1→3)

(Endurance - 2→4)

(Intelligence - 4→6)

(Vitality - 1→3)

Martial Realm: None

Money: 49m Credits


"It's great to see how my stats improve as I train. This is quite the motivator. So apparently S-Rank Fluids increase my talent. But it's effects will diminish the more I consume them. It's better to fully utilize its effects on a bottle-by-bottle basis, and continuous training." said Shi Feng grinning. He then went off to bed, feeling content with his progress.

6:00 AM, April 17th, 2129

8 days until the release of God's Domain

Shi Feng did his morning routine, fixed up a light breakfast, and sent Blackie the address of his new home. After about 15 minutes, Shi Feng heard the doorbell go off. When he opened the door, he saw a skeptical-looking youth at the door; "Brother Feng, don't tell me you murdered whoever lived here and took their house. I know for a fact you never had this kind of money. What have you done?. Should I start calling you Young Master Shi now?..." Blackie bombarded Shi Feng with questions. Shi Feng only smiled and calmly told him to come in and sit in the living room. Shi Feng offered Blackie a bottle of S-Rank Fluids. Once again, he looked at Shi Feng like he was a monster. "Alright, I need an explanation. Who are you exactly?. You can't be a clone of Brother Feng can you?" said Blackie with a suspicious stare.

"It's a bit difficult to explain, but I came across a fortuitous encounter a few days ago and obtained quite a bit of money. I used it to buy this home, the fluids, and of course, a building for our workshop. Take this Quantum Watch and set up your banking account. We're going to start setting up our workshop so we can hit the ground running for the release of God's Domain. Contact a few of our classmates back from university to see if they want to join up with us. If not, we'll recruit more people as we go along."

Blackie had a bit of trouble believing what was happening, but at this point, he had thrown all logic out the window and chose to place all his trust in his Brother. He readily took the Quantum Watch and set up his banking account. "Alright Brother Feng, all done"

"Great. Take these Credits and use them to overall enhance the workshop. We'll be setting up in a 75-story building but since we're a bit short on funds, for now, we'll only be using floors 11-16. Floors 10 and below have pretty much everything we need in terms of essential living necessities. As we get more funds and more people, we will be outfitting the upper floors as well. Meaning more gaming pods, living quarters for all of our members, training equipment, office spaces, etc..."

"Sounds good, Brother Feng" said Blackie with overwhelming excitement. They were finally going to start their plan and become professional gamers. Shi Feng told Blackie to start heading to the Gym and to train so he can have a bit of an easier time in God's Domain. He sent Blackie off with an effective training regimen specific to his needs and 25 bottles of S-Rank Nutrient Fluids. Now 9 AM, Shi Feng wasted no time and went to his state-of-the-art training room to train as well. A few days passed, and in addition to his physique; be it internal or external parts, he trained reflexes, overall mental capabilities, and martial arts techniques.

Shi Feng did not slack off in his training at all. If one could see him now, one would see a young man with an incredibly well-toned body, exuding an aura that commanded nothing but respect. Shi Feng had awakened his internal force energy. This made his overall strength and training speed skyrocket. The same could be said about Blackie. Shi Feng got some people to set up the gaming pods and the training equipment in the building, assuring everything went smoothly.

April 24th, 2129

God's Domain; live in 1 hour

"Blackie, are you ready?" said Shi Feng to Blackie through his Quantum Watch.

"All ready to go, Brother Feng" replied Blackie excitedly.

Shi Feng took this opportunity to check his status before the launch. 'Status'



Name: Shi Feng

Age: 20

HP: 330/330


(Strength - 4→32)

(Agility - 3→27)

(Endurance - 4→25)

(Intelligence - 6→28)

(Vitality - 3→33)

Martial Realm: Internal Force

Money: 2m Credits


[Looking good Host. Keep it up. This is only the start on your path to the absolute apex.] the system suddenly said.

"How come you're never around?. I could've made greater progress if I had your help" asked Shi Feng politely.

[Don't misunderstand Host, you need to forge your own path. Build mental fortitude and temper your will through countless trials. When you reach the top, none will dare take your spot away from you. You, more than anyone should know this; a shaky foundation is never the way to go. A strong and firm foundation will reward you with unconscious competence that will take you far. Don't get me wrong, the system will offer you tools and upgrades that will make your journey to the top as smooth as possible, but that won't be of any use if you get blindsided. Take that how you want it] - lectured the system in an inspiring tone.

"...i see" replied Shi Feng in astonishment and contemplation. "Well, it's time. Here i come God's Domain"
