

"Arthur. Tell me the truth, why are you here?" Even after exchanging several blows, no one was able to end it. Vladis was still soft on Arthur, he had thought he would be able to rip his heart in an instant, the very next moment he would ever see him, but he was wrong.

Utterly wrong.



They were still there, and he knew it and he did regret it for having them. Maybe he should have followed what his mother asked him to do.

Arthur smirked.

"Me. Take a guess," he said as he attacked him swiftly.

Arthur was invincible, at least for Vladis he was.

Dropping his sword, he stared hard at Arthur. "It's useless."


"Fighting with you is useless."

"Good you know that."


"Look Arthur. It's not going anywhere. So, if you want to kill me then go, do it. Let's end it for once and all. I am tired." He sighed.
