
CADMUS ACADEMY [TUA 1] Filipino/Tagalog

作者: jilib480
連載中 · 26.4K ビュー
  • 28 章
  • レビュー結果
  • NO.200+

5 タグ
Chapter 1Chapter 1

This place has a beautiful view that is the delight of all who like the green environment full of living creatures such as colorful birds that happily fly around in different directions freely enjoying the beauty of area and abundant natural resources.

There are many giant fish that swim happily with their species which will be enjoyed to see. The bees were overjoyed approaching the beautiful flowers. You could say this place is like paradise but everything is not perfect even the beautiful places have secrets of evil or ugliness. This is called environmental balance.

Free colorful birds have lately been ambushed by ferocious birds. Huge fish are being chased by giant fish they want to be their dessert. The bees that would have been happy to land were devoured by the beautiful flowers that were literally alive and their huge thorns came out of their very colorful flowers.

It is a sign of the violence of nature itself that it is said that only the strong can become stronger and more powerful. This is the indestructible saying for most that is followed by almost everyone.

Many people will make friends with you if you are a strong and powerful creature and all the special treatments you will enjoy or achieve which is the opposite of ordinary people with abilities or the weaker creatures. If you are weak, you will be submissive to others.


The paradisiacal beauty of this forest was disturbed when a strange event suddenly took place. There is strong energy rapidly gushing from the sky into the land covered by this vast forest. It is undeniable that so many wild animals even the ordinary animals that live here are disturbed especially since it is natural for animals to feel danger so they fled for fear of dying when the mysterious object hit. it on the land they inhabit.

It was as if a huge meteor was about to hit the forest, grabbing the attention of the people of a small village. There is a trace of fear in them but at the same time curiosity in their minds. They knew it would greatly affect them so they were alarmed to find out about this strange phenomenon.

They feel so much the loss of balance in the lives of the creatures that they feel their fears.

What are we going to do Chief Dario when the mysterious object appears and falls in the forest? Apo Noni said to what they consider to be the Chief of Their Village.

Chief Dario's wrinkled face shows concern, especially since many superstitions are indicated by the fall of something strange, especially since all this for them is a bad sign of the coming of the flood, so he wonders what could be done. they in this strange event. Anyone wants to know but they also don't want to try their luck.

"I don't know yet what we should do but in this strange circumstance we have to gamble especially since I don't want it to bring even bigger problems." Chief Dario said that his decision is especially divided on what they want to be a step in the problem they face.

"Gamble? Do you hear what you're saying Chief Dario? You know it's dangerous to go into that vast forest!" It was inevitable that First former Aleton would raise his voice

(Former- a representative of a village with decision-making power in its jurisdiction who is the Chief's decision-making assistant.)

(Apo- a very old member of a village or large place which holds a high position in deciding things. It can be considered one of the treasures of the place which includes its own intellect and life experience).

"You seem to be putting our safety too much in a very dangerous situation, are you considering the safety of your constituents ?!" Third Former Serion said earnestly

"Are you a really good Chief ?! You've only been in that high position for three years. It's like you already know how to decide for yourself!" Second Former Mario could not help but get angry at their Chief's hasty decision.

"I support the Chief's decision." Apo Noni's answer was weak but when the Former of this Village heard it, it seemed like a bomb to their ears.

"Did Apo Noni support him ?!" They just said it in their minds especially since they didn't want to upset the grandson's decision. They could not argue with the decision of the old Apo Noni especially since all of them this old man has more experience with them even his analysis definitely has a reason to decide immediately in a very short time only. There is no doubt that they have no fight when he decides. Even if they don't want the chief they can do nothing more. Apo Noni is still their ancestor so there is no reason to anger him or even give him resentment.

"Thank you for your support Apo Noni ------" Chief Dario said but Apo Noni stopped him immediately.

"I did not do this to support you or anyone. I know we have a big problem facing today and the collapse of the mysterious object near our Territory has increased. We also cannot ask for the help of Patriarch Zemon or anyone especially if there is something wrong. misunderstanding their Patriarch and that of the other Patriarch and they were the ones to blame that the real culprit was their neighboring village, the Village of Orman.Our Village of Hercas is so in a chaotic situation that it is difficult to find or ask for of forces against the outside of our village .... Hmmm ... Apo Noni said but everyone was surprised when a strong wind started to blow and green smoke came out of its body. green Magic Circle appeared in the air.

«I summon you Gyrant, Celestial Child of Ginia, Appear!»

Short incantation of the old man.

Suddenly the whole land lit up especially the green trees and plants even the Partriaches of other villages they felt the force of power emerged in from nothingness. Even though they were sweating, even though most of them did not feel the power of what Apo Noni called, they could feel the unparalleled strength of that green creature.

"Apo Noni!" Said each Patriarch with the power they felt. There is no doubt that old man can call that powerful creature.


Inside the forest, a massive crater has produced a mysterious object that until now has had no trace of destruction due to the impact of its sinking lately. When you see the inside of it you can tell a man is gradually returning his skin color to normal but still cannot deny its tanned skin. The man did not seem to wake up in his deep sleep not knowing the problem he had caused when he appeared in this place.

What would surprise him more was that he came to this place, the place that he could consider like him? The place where the calling of powerful beings is given freedom. There is no doubt that he is here in the area covered by the Territory of the Summoners.


Obsessions: the unusual short stories

Crazy For Her What can you do for love? Are you willing to let go of the one who loves you wholeheartedly for the one who makes your heart beats faster? Who will you choose? The one you love or the one who loves you? Are you willing to bear the consequences of the decision you will make? ___ His dream Obsessing to pursue your dream is not a bad thing. Everyone wants to follow what their hearts desire, what they dreams to become. Pursuing and achieving that dream is what makes someone's life fulfilled. To be able to reach your dream. But what if the dream you wish to achieve have a lot of sacrifices to make? It will still be okay, right? The greater the sacrifice, the greater the fulfillment will be. Then let's see the sacrifices Charles Quizon have to fulfill his dream. ___ The chase We have different kind of race in life that we follow, that we need to chase. We chase to be the best, to be the number one. To be the greatest. But what if the race we want to chase is too hard, will you give up? Will you stop? What if the hardship is too much, will you chase a different kind of race instead? ___ The lover What can you do to attain the love of your life? What can you sacrifice to have that person? Are you willing to give up when the time comes that you found out the love of your life already loves someone else. Will you stay or fight for the love you have for that person, no what matter what happens? ___ The hands We have a different kind of obsession, with kpop idols, Hollywood actors and so on and so on. We like the way they smile, the way they dance or the way the act. We, sometimes are obsessed with how they look. What will you do to attain the sole thing you're obsessed about? What can you do and sacrifice to just have a glimpse of that, to be able to even just touch it? ___ The sounds We have different kind of addiction. Addiction to sweets, to chips, to drugs, to s3x etc. What if the addiction you have for the sounds will be something so fulfilling yet so painful? Is it really true, that pain with pleasure will be more satisfying? ___ Second Earth What if you were given a chance to experience a new life to a new Earth? Will you grab that chance and take off? If you will be at the second Earth what will you expect? ___ My only If you have a sole person who loves you and depends on you, will you be comfortable that they won't ever leave? What if you get too comfortable you bound to hurt that sole person, what will you do and can do to have that person back to your life? ___

spartace_lover · ファンタジー
19 Chs