
Season 2 Episode 88: Trickster

The Inner Disciple Division.

Two men were seen searching inside Senior Beldon's residence. They were rummaging through every single spot, every crevice they could find, and yet for some reason, they weren't making a single noise while doing so.

"Damn it, damn it, damn it…" A small and thin man whispered under his breath, frustration evident in his voice. This man was, of course, Gaston, who was inside Claude's temporary room to search for the White Dragon's teeth. "Where on earth did that son of a b*tch hide the White Dragon's teeth?!"

And unfortunately for them, things weren't exactly going according to plan!

"Uh… Gaston?" Barris, who was searching the room along with Gaston, turned to look at him who looked like he was about to murder someone. "Calm down."
