

Zane left his brothers room after a while going to the bench he shane and Andrea had taken the guns apart at. Sitting there alone sharpening his knife. Beth hershel's daughter walked over to him "Why are you always alone? away from the rest of your group?" she asked curiously, she wasn't wrong since Zane had gone on the run with Shane he rarely was around the others. He looked at the older girl for a while his face not changing. "Why should I be with them? Not like they are my friends. We are only together for survival." He sated bluntly knowing in his mind his family was the only thing that mattered.

He had come to a realization Sophia was going to die regardless of what he'd had done she was a lost cause, she was been bitten she was already dead, and knowing his father he wouldn't want to do what had to be done. He glanced at beth after what he said standing quickly walking away not looking back at her. he headed over to where the R.V was stationed climbing on top sitting next to Andrea who had a rifle standing guard He sat silently looking at the beautiful grass field when Andrea suddenly spoke. "I'm pretty sure your mother wouldn't want you over here." Zane didn't say anything and after a few moments he let out a sigh annoyed "And I'm pretty sure, I didn't ask for your opinion." he said bluntly still looking forward at the open field.

Andrea looked at him her mouth open shocked at how rudely he had just spoken to her, while they hadn't been super close he had always been a kind kid. "What the hell is your problem? First yo--." As she was speaking he looked at her "Please shut up, your ruining the scenery." Zane said bluntly, turning back to the field. Andrea shocked again began fuming and was about to go off on the boy when Dale interrupted them while carrying a container over towards the R.V. "What's with the Annie Oakley routine?" He questioned wondering why she had a gun.

"I just don't wanna wash clothes anymore, Dale. I want to help keep the camp safe. Is that alright with you?" She said annoyed with the way Zane was just speaking to her, and Dale always questioning her every move. Dale looked hurt as he walked away continuing his earlier task going inside the R.V with the container of water. Zane was annoyed with Andrea, despite what he said earlier he was friends with Dale he had taught him all sorts of things about radios and how to navigate. "I just don't see it." he said turning his over to her, Andrea continued looking forward annoyed "See what?" she asked angrily. "why he cares about you so much." Zane said back just as angry.

As she was about to look at him and answer back angrily, she saw what appeared to be a walker Zane seeing her face looked back at the field noticing it quickly. "Walker. Walker!" She said alerting the rest of the group to the danger. Rick walked over putting his hand on his forehead to shield his eyes from the sun to see better. "Just the one?" Andrea put the binoculars on looking at the thing for a second "I bet i could nail it from here." She said grabbing for her rifle. "NO, NO, Andrea put the gun down." Shane walked out from his tent "You'd best let us handle this." "Sane hold up. Hershel wants to deal with walkers." He says putting his hand up trying to stop his friend "What for, man? we got it covered." He said walking toward the walker ignoring his friend.

Zane really hadn't been paying attention as he kept his eye on the supposed walker, He didn't go with them because he figured his dad would say he was to young or something along those lines. Also they didn't need that much manpower for one walker. He watched as the group of men sprinted towards the walker, Andrea not listening to Rick pointed the gun again quickly laying on her belly when she couldn't get a good shot. "Andrea, don't." Dale said "Back off, Dale." she said shrugging him off. Zane watched as his father lowered his gun of this walker and realized who it was "Wait andrea, don't." He said as she fired off the gun hitting her target in the side of the head smiling. "You fucking idiot Andrea." Zane said disappointed. She quickly got angry "What i shot it." She said fuming. "No, you didn't shoot it, you shot Daryl." he said talking to her like she was a child.

Her anger dissipated instantly as she heard rick yelling no at her and she realized Zane was right, she was officially outsmarted by a kid and she had no one but herself to blame for being so trigger happy. Zane andrea and Dale all rushed to go and help, with Zane catching up to the other group much faster than the other two "Oh my god, Oh my god, is he dead?" She said finally making it to the rest along with dale worried out of her mind she had killed him, "Unconscious you just grazed him." Rick said while helping shane carry the man back to the Greenes residence, "But look at him what the hell happened? He's wearing ears." Glenn said, "Survival." Zane said as they walked, Rick took the ears off his neck "Let's keep that to ourselves."

As he said that T-dog held up a doll as he stood behind them "Isn't this Sophia's" He asked. They all looked at the doll not saying anything while Zane looked at the doll he knew without a doubt in his mind, that doll was her's she was his friend she had the doll with her all the time. They had dropped Daryl in one of the rooms in Hershel's home where he was patched up. zane and his mother sat outside the room while Rick and Shane talked to Daryl about what he'd found. When they walked out the room, Lori stood while Zane stayed seated. "I hate to say it, But i'm with hershel on this one. can't keep going out there, Not after this." Shane says sure of what he was saying. "You'd quit now? Daryl just risked his life to bring back the first hard evidence we've had." Rick says passionately knowing in his mind sophia was alive.

"That's one way to look at it. The way i see it, Daryl almost died today for a doll." Shane says bluntly. "Yeah, I know how you see it." Rick says walking away "That's the only way to see it, Sophia's gone dad." Zane interjects coldly. His father doesn't say anything walking away and he does the same going the opposite way, later the whole group went into hershels home to eat the dinner Lori Carol and the rest of the women beside Andrea and Maggie prepared. "Anybody know how to play guitar? Dale found it. Come on someone's gotta know how to play." glenn said turning towards everyone. "Otis did." someone from Hershel's family stated, Zane hearing this looked nervous as did shane. "Yes, and he was very good too." Hershel said seeming annoyed with Glenn. After the dinner Zane went to his tent quickly falling into sleep.
