
Chapter 245: King's Landing's state and the last face-off between Edward and Cersei

In the end, Mark slit Tyrion's throat before cleaning his short sword after making sure that the two died. After that, Mark burned the tent with everything inside since he did not want to leave any evidence that might lead to his prince one day. After making sure that everything went as planned, Mark retreated to his prince's tent to tell him the details of his mission.

The Eyrie,

After Edward received Raymont's letter and checking on the situation in Westerlands, he decided to start his final piece of conquest. Only King's Landing was standing in front of him at the moment, and Edward was prepared to take it down.

So Edward wrote for Raymont in Westerlands to meet him in Harrenhal to end this war. And at once, Edward started preparing his men for the next battle.

Although he lost many men in the last war against the dead, the soldiers he had still exceeded one hundred thousand. Even if he had twenty or even ten thousand, Edward was sure that he would take King's Landing with that number.

"Theresa, you are not coming with us." Said Edward as he looked at his daughter, who was injured in the last battle and lost her dragon.

"No, I still could fight." Said Theresa as she looked at Edward with determined eyes. In the last war, Theresa was feeling frustrated because she saw with her own eyes how Wilyam became strong and left her behind.

Wilyam's improvement made Theresa think that she was the only one left behind in this family and everyone was better than her. Although Jasmine was weaker than her, she did not count in Theresa's eyes. Not only was she left behind by her siblings, but she lost her dragon as well. Theresa was feeling quite bad after the last battle.

"I said you won't, and you will listen to my words." Said Edward with a strict voice as he looked at his daughter.

He finally realized that his wrong way of teaching his children, and he lost a son in the end because of that.

"But I..." Said Theresa with pleading eyes after seeing that her father would not budge any longer. She tried to tell him that she would stay by his side or even ride his second dragon, but Edward did not let her finish her words.

"When we arrive at Harrenhal, you would not leave your room. Do you understand?" Said Edward with an expressionless face as he looked at the injured Theresa, who got her left hand broken.

Not only that, but she broke two of her ribs in the last fight as well. It was her good luck that made her survive.

Before Theresa could not even retort back, Edward turned to Corenna Swann, the captain of Theresa's Princessguard, before speaking in a strict and commanding voice.

"Corenna, if she left her room, I blame you for that. You understand?" Said Edward as he looked at the knight standing by his daughter's side. Edward always thought that Corenna should have come to his Kingsguard a long time ago, but she did not ask him that even once.

Edward was surprised by this fact, and he thought that she might be trying to improve herself more to defeat Brienne, but Edward always thought it would be an impossible mission.

Edward thought it would be in his best interests since he could feel relieved because he left his daughter in good hands.

"As you wish, your grace." Said Corenna wearing a smile on his face after hearing the king's words before looking at Theresa, whose expression changed after hearing the words between her father and her guard.

"Corenna, you..." Said Theresa with an angry tone as she did not believe that her guard and friend would do that to her but seeing the smile on her friend's face made her shut her mouth.

Edward did not care about his daughter's condition anymore and moved on with his plans since he would not allow her to make a move outside her tent.

Edward would come to regret many decisions that he made after that. After Edward met Raymont in Harrenhal and was about to march to King's Landing, a letter arrived at Harrenhal that would cause him to lose everything.

Anyway, it took them two days before the whole army of Westeros arrived at King's Landing, and everyone could see the sorry state the city was in after the dead dragon attacked it.

During this life, the army of the dead and the Night King attacked much earlier than what happened in the other timeline, and, although Cersei was the one controlling King's Landing behind the scene, she still had the faith of the seven and the Hight Sparrow that challenged her authority.

At first, Cersei used the Hight Sparrow and his followers to stop the riots in King's Landing because she did not want to lose what was left of her soldiers to kill the Smallfolks. She ended up making the same mistake she made in the other timeline.

And after the walk of shame that she went through in King's Landing, she was supposed to go for trial. She did not have the mountain or Qyburn in this life to help her take revenge against those faith fanatics. But she still refused to go to the trials, and when the followers of the High Sparrow were about to use force, the dead dragon saved her.

At the exact time where Cersei thought that everything was going to end for her, the dead dragon attacked King's Landing and used his breath to kill thousands of people. And the place with most people at that time, The Sept of Baelor, was the first to witness a massacre.

The dragon's breath evaporated everyone inside, leaving no chance for even one person to survive. After seeing the destruction of the Sept, the dead dragon turned to the Red Keep. And his attack on the Red Keep saved Cersei from those fanatics.

Although the dead dragon saved Cersei, he took the most important two men in her life at that point. The dragon's breath destroyed her only son's room killing the poor Tommen, who was asleep in his room.

After that, the dragon did not stop, but it ended up destroying the tower where her father, the hand who was about to die from the poison she fed him.

In the end, Tywin's death was much more pathetic than his ending in the show. At least, He died on his son's hand and was conscience at that time, but he died after losing his mind in this life.

When Edward heard about what happened, he could not know whether to laugh or cry.

The reason was simple, actually. Cersei got torn by her gratefulness for the dead dragon and sadness for losing her son. At the moment, Cersei did not have anything but the Iron Throne that survived the dead dragon's attack at the last moment. The moment when Edward and the group killed the Night King.

Anyway, when Edward and his army saw the destroyed walls of King's Landing, they could not help but smirk. Everyone thought that this battle was going to end fast without even the need for Edward's tactics.

Cersei stood in one part of the walls that were not destroyed and looked at Edward and his army with an expressionless look on her face. She had already lost everyone she had, and she did not mind dying in this battle. But she was not going down without a fight. She had a card in her hands, and she was sure if she used it well, Edward would retreat.

"You are still alive after all, bitch queen." Said Edward as he looked at Cersei for the ground with a smirk on his face. His words made everyone in the army and city laugh because everyone knew what Cersei did in the past.

"If you did not retreat right now, I will make you regret doing this." Said Cersei with a cold tone as if she did not even want to look at Edward's face.

"And how are you going to do that? By fucking me." Said Edward with a sarcastic tone as he looked at Cersei. At this point, Edward had let most of his guard down since he would not expect Cersei to have any card to play.


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