

The blade slashed and another head fell off silently to the ground of the troop captain. Zeph shook his head as it was entirely unexpected. This had been the fourth tent he had infiltrated but all four captains refused to divulge any information about the prisoner. 

Either it was Kwastir who had an excellent aura over his soldiers that they are willing to die rather than betraying him or it was his fear which keeps in check these captains. 

Zeph was feeling constrained as by each passing second, he was closer to being spotted as the dead bodies would sooner or later come to view. But four corpses would surely increase the chance of getting caught quickly. 


Zeph breathed out as he went towards the most highly secured region of the camp that was its center. He knew that these beasts must be keeping Anastasia somewhere with most guards. So she must be somewhere in the center but he had to be careful because Kwastir's camp too was in the center.
