
11) (Mafia) Family Meeting.....

That night they finished the 69th floor Rosalie and him slept in his bed together, since she still had the physical appearance and biology of a regular human she actually got to dream. They were both woken up by Nissy at his usual morning wake up call, Rosalie rolled over to sleep more while he went for his morning workout after giving her a kiss.

She was enjoying actual sleep so she wasn't going to join him when she only had hours of being human left before she had to be back to normal in front of her family. Cory had already blocked her thoughts last night, and while Eddy might wonder what was going on until they actually met each others families then she wouldn't need to worry about him finding out.

After coming back from his run it was just an hour until school, he found his mom and Rosalie already eating breakfast, according to his mom his dad was still out cold. Though they wanted to go into the dungeon more Cory had told them that they should rest for the week since their bodies needed to get use to their new strength that they got.

His mom agreed she could feel that her body was taking in a lot more magic and that if they didn't get use to it then they would lose their magic or worse and blow up from gaining more power. His dad could only nod, Rosalie looked at him with worry but he told her that since they were already immortal and had different bodies that they could handle it better.

They breakfast was a joyful one Rosalie even met 'Elsa' who spent most of her time now playing games and helping Cory advance them rather then diving with them. He didn't stop her either if that was what she wanted to do to help him rather than fighting then he would let her.

Rosalie and Cory left for school after that neither realizing that today was the day that they needed to turn in their projects but they didn't care since they were already more than ready to graduate. When they got to the school they parked next to the other Cullen's who were watching them, Edward and Bella hadn't made it yet but it was clear they were together.

Alice looked between they two of them but she could feel something different about Rosalie but couldn't tell what seeing as they couldn't tell the difference of someone growing stronger. "Hello you two and how was your day yesterday? since you decided to skip and not bring me along." she fake pouted but a smile still took over her face.

Rosalie giggled a little while Cory just gave her a big hug making her happier, "It was fun we didn't really do much just felt that since Edward and Bella were skipping why couldn't we." he said after setting her down, he gave Jasper a fist bump along with Emmett.

"Oh anything interesting happen?" she asked again trying to see if he knew about them like Bella did.

"No not really, mom did start teaching Rosalie to cook though." which was true she planned to give her lessons even if Nissy was jumping around saying she was going to be a cook for her missus Rosalie and master Cory.

Alice realized he didn't know and got a little sad but she cheered up when they all looked over and saw Bella and Eddy walking to the school together, he still talked about going to hell for some reason. The rest of that day as all were boring except for the fact that Rosalie and Cory failed for not doing their project.

The week went by with nothing major happening and at the moment Cory along with him mom and dad were in their car heading to the Cullen's it was the day Bella would meet Esme and Carlisle too. When they made it to the house Rosalie was waiting outside and before Cory could hug her she was pulled into one by his mom, they walked away arm and arm.

His dad patted his shoulder and gave his son a small smile before looking into the distance, he already learned long ago don't fight his wife on things or it would get ugly. Cory sighed and walked over hugging Esme who laughed at the two seeing what happen, she was soon taken away by his mom too.

When they came inside everyone gathered in the living room Esme wasn't even cooking for Bella, she was already warned that she might eat before showing up so there was no point. After awhile when everyone greeted each other Carlisle was the first to speak up, "Not to put a damper on things but why did you guys want to meet up today?"

"Well we have some things we want to talk about so we figured we would do it when everyone was together rather than do it more than once." Cory's dad said with his mom nodding in agreement, Carlisle and the rest looked intrigued except for Rosalie who knew today's purpose.

"Well to be honest we know that you are all vampires," his mom went on she was blunt about it she didn't even let them catch themselves before she went on, "We are Wizards ourselves so we know about the different supernatural's in the world."

Carlisle looked floored while the rest were confused, "Wait I thought magic was wiped out centuries ago during that war of vampires and wizards." he said looked thoroughly confused.

Cory's dad chuckled, "No not at all. You see there are two different vampires in the world there is your kind which was made from Wizards a long time ago but they fought and when the Wizards won they just wiped the memory from the non hostiles. As for the other night walkers they were made at the result of a blood ritual but they never left the wizarding world since the person who did it was unintentional about it."

"What do you mean by unintentional?" Esme asked since Carlisle was coming to terms with things.

"Simple he wanted a longer life and figure the blood of those younger than himself was the choice but all it did was result in a blood curse that made him a vampire. After that he started the line of them for the Wizarding world and they are seen as monsters but they are easily dealt with when they get dangerous." His mother added they were both just taking turns to answer things.

"So how long have you known about us?" Esme went on looking a little sad that Rachel might be mad at her for not telling her about them.

"For awhile actually," his mom said scooting over and taking her hand, "But it is fine we all have our secrets we have to keep I don't blame you for not telling me." his mother smile making Esme smile in return.

"So where are all the others if you aren't the only of your kind?" Carlisle said staring at his dad he was really curious about this since they had never come across any along the way.

"Well that is another thing that happen during that war, when they vampires lost they were put under a very powerful charm, unless invited in by a Wizard then the day walkers won't even know we exist." his dad said with a thoughtful look, "Though since we are telling you this then it means that you now can have knowledge of it but if you try to tell others or they try by themselves then it would just wipe their minds leading them to forget what they were looking for."

Carlisle nodded, "Well seeing as I don't know anything about this can you tell me why the war happened?"

"Ahh that is simple, power, after the first of your kind was made then they started to grow in numbers but seeing as they thought themselves better than Wizards they wanted war. After a year of fighting the vampires were dying out since they had nothing to counter magic, the leaders for them decided that it wasn't worth it and surrendered under a magical contract." Cory's dad explained this was the first time he was hearing it too.

The world was obvious expanded in some way and learning this though it wasn't much detail told me how they fit into everything that happened. He would have to spend sometime looking into this more to learn the background of everything that way he would get and unsuspected surprise later.

They all sat around and talked more about it and even learned about Cory's abilities, Jasper was the most thankful though Cory was going to let New Moon happen since he wouldn't be here for it. They all were sitting around for lunch when Edward came in with Bella, the two were surprised to see the family actually sitting around and eating it was worse when Edward couldn't read their minds.

"What's the matter Eddy? You know it is very rude to look into peoples minds without their permission." Cory said looking at him with a smile, Jasper and Emmett were trying their hardest not to laugh.

Bella looked awkward but met everyone else in the room then she was taken away by an irritated Edward who didn't know what to do anymore since he couldn't hear a thought of anyone in the room. After that Carlisle and Richard took off to talk more about the Wizarding side of the world while the girls all sat around and talked, Cory, Emmett, and Jasper went to play video games.

Rosalie and his parents noticed he didn't mention the dungeon so they didn't bring it up but would ask him about it later. 'Elsa' had actually upgraded his games a lot so he gave advanced copies to Jasper and Emmett who were excited to try them out.

She was only a step away from learning virtual reality too so he would be putting that out sooner or later.

Merry Christmas!!! Well for me at least.

KillingSoftlycreators' thoughts