
We Have Little Problem

Day's passed quick fast.. my tennis practice goes well.. same with our dance practice.. our performance.. me anggi and Amma did well in our whole this days.. and we all are ready to hit the floor..

In this all days.. I didn't see Max or Dan.. I don't know where they both are.. I didn't see them any field..once or twice I thought that go to Max's place for talk.. but again denied it.. it's not safe to go..

I also go to Eric place for teach girls fight.. and I am happy that boy's also trained them.. so I don't have to do lots travel..

Sometimes I also quite to go there.  And talk with them in phone.. we also practice how to use gun.. and how to shoot.. in that I will little be good for now.. but I didn't fast like Mike..

I also learn about guns.. they are different different times of guns they brought it.. and we used it..

Time pass to fast.. and I am happy for that.. me and Eric still talk little.. but didn't any do physical contact or talk about this stuff.. maybe he also think that it's not correct time to talk.. and I am happy that he understands.. and we didn't uncomfortable with each other.. yeah we some time fun together.. crack jokes around.. so yeah.. things going good between us.. for now..

Today is Friday.. and we have big function like anggi said.. some choreographer come and saw our performance.. and select come dancer for they album.. anggi and amma both practice hard for this to select them.. and I am happy for them.. well I really wanted to select but not now.. for now.. I really wanted to just get out mess.. and than I will think about my future..

We girls are in gym right now.. the whole gym is empty.. I again request Nicole to give us little privacy for practice.. because our studio are already full.. all are practicing there won dance.. and we allso talk about this.. who going to dance first and how we present our performance to them.. and I am happy that all are girls are happy about it.. aspects seniors.. Janna also going to be act like bitch.. in whole time.. she never lose any chance to insult me.. and I just stop and listen this.. Sometimes girls also stand for me.. but I just tell them to do not..

Scarlet asked lots of time.. what happened to both of us.. why she asked like towards me.. and keep insult me.. but Janna didn't say her anything.. it's not that Scarlett feel peety me.. she like it the way Janna insult me.. when she starts to say.. she know very well that she will going to pay.. so she just enjoy this standing side by.. when janna throw some insults..

" girl's I think it's enough for now.. we have to rest to our dorm.. and than we will meet at party.. What's say.." Amma said to us.. and we both totally agree on this..

" let's go for lunch.. girls are waiting for us.." angi said checking her phone.. and like this.. we all are handed to cafeteria..

I don't know about them.. but I am serving.. I am hungry as hell.. I want food..

" there you are.. come on site.." Naomi said to us.. when we enter with food.. we all are walk and join them..

" how's practice going on.." C asked us..

" mind blowing.. and we are excited about it.." Amma said to them..

" so like us.. " jade said..

" how's you.." jade asked me..

" I am great how about you.." I said to her..

" as always good.." she said..

" and what about him.. how's things going.." I asked her..

" well I really like him ava.. and I am happy with him.. he keep me happy.. and thanks again for that.." she said to me.. and I hug her side by..

" hay.. your friends are coming today.." Clara asked me.. I look at her.. and nodded.. yeah they are coming.. I am excited about it.. when they come and see us our performance.. I am to excited to introduce them to my friends..

" I am really looking forward to seeing them.." Naomi said to me..

" hell yeah.. me to.." Amma anggi said to us..

" guys after our performance.. I think I don't think I will hangout with you.. I have somewhere to go.." Amma said to us.. and all are eye's on her..

" maybe I am also not sure about me.. " I tell them.. I didn't said that I have things to do.. because I know that they will be asked more questions..

" what.. than what about if you guys selected.. how we can celebrate.." Naomi said..

"that's not fair guys  I thought we have today girls night out.." jade said..

" I also thought same.." Clara said..

" me to.. and you where are you going.." anggi asked Amma.. and she look at us and blush.. I know we talk about this last time.. she going to be spent time with her boyfriend..

" you know guys when I told you once long time I go..  that I am dating someone.. well today I have date with him.. and I really have to go.. please sorry guys.. we can celebrate our party tomorrow what's say.." she said to us.. and I don't mind at all.. if she happy with whomever with she.. so I am to..

" you have date.. oh my.. I am going to make you beautiful tonight then.. " anggi said..

" and I am also helping you for that.." Naomi said.. and jade and Clara also joined them..

" sorry guys.. I am not coming.. I already tried.. I don't think so today I will join you.. after our performance I will straight going to my bed.. I will meet you guys tomorrow.. hope you don't mind.." I tell them..

" oky.. we see that.. you have lots of things doing.. I know you.. it's oky.. we will hangout tomorrow.." jade said to me.. and I am happy that she didn't asked or argue with me..

" so it's done.. tomorrow we are going to party.. girls night out.." Clara said.. and we all are nodded..like this.. we all are keep talking and eating our food..

After I said goodbye to them. And walk to my dorm.. I open the door.. when I saw there.. there is a note who landed in floor.. I band out and take it..

What's for that.. who's give it..

I unfold it.. and read it.. and when I read.. I was shock.. my whole body was shaking.. this is it.. now there is nothing going to stop.. he knows.. every damn time he fucking know.. why can't I just know it.. why.. why I just think that I am two steps leading him.. no.. I was wrong.. I am so wrong..

How he know that.. I am here.. how know this.. all that think means that if I do something wrong he will get me..

I have to talk with guys.. or I just have to keep it for myself.. because I know it's not that they will do anything for that.. I grab pepper again.. and read it again..

I am watching you.. and I will be get you soon..


It's clear that it's for Stefan.. and I am sure for that.. I have to little bit slow.. and do things thinking five time before do something.. because know I know that he know that I am here..

I know that I am going too meet him Sunday.. but before that this two day's.. I have to play smart.. and don't give him any chance to think that anything negative..

I hope today's go well.. because today is big day for my friends.. with this stress I just can't go and perform.. I have to divert my mind.. and how it is exactly I know.. I shower.. and left...

When I reach gym.. it's open.. and I enter there.. the whole gym is empty.. but I know if there is no one is here.. it's means.. maybe he will be here..

I go.. and site there.. didn't do anything.. no workout.. or nothing.. just site there. And pull my phone.. and searching about this academy.. and how much money students pay for come here.. I really wanted to know this.. because in all this stuff.. I forget that I have to do something for poor people.. it's not that I am upper cast.. James are working hard about it.. that's why I am here.. and that's why I am doing all this to show him them.. he's money not going to be west..

Thinking about this... someone come and site besides me.. and I am happy that he show up..

" what are you doing here.." he said to me..

" well hello to you to.. I am just come here for see you.." I said to him.. lock my phone.. and look at him.

" wow.. so you're here for me.. I am happy that someone like you really wanted to see me.. " he tease me . And I hate that when people do that..

" I mean last time I checked.. you don't like to talk to me.." he said to me and laugh..

" it's not that.. that time it's just.. forget it.. how's you.." I said to him..

" I am fine how about you.. I saw earlier you guys practicing.. I hope you got selected.." he said to me..

" thanks.. and yeah me to fine.. so we all are meeting today.." I asked him..

" yeah.. why.. you have another plans.." he asked me..

" no.. why you think that.." I asked him..

" Max told me about what happened.. and you are with some guy.." he said..

" so he really talk about me huh.." I said to him with smirk..

" I told you.. just give him chance.. he's not that bad you Thinking.." he said to me..

" I get it.. let's talk about something else.." I said to him changing subject.

" you can't just avoid it.. you know.." he said me again..

" I can Sam.. now can we please talk something ales.. or I will stop and get out of this.." I snap him.. I know there is not he's even fault.. but I really don't wanted to talk about Max..

" oky relax princess.. let's talk about something else.. I see that you are searching some information about academy.. what's about that.." he said.. and like this.. we talk.. I told him about what my point of you about upper class and lower class.. and I am really little bit divert my mind because of Sam.. he totally agree with him.. and he also told me that he will talk about this to Max.. and like this.. we talk little.. and than I left gym..

I feel now little bit relaxing.. I also apologized Sam how I snap him.. and he just I mean he totally great guy.. and I am really happy that he still love Janna..

I don't know what happened when Janna know that Sam is still live.. I don't know after that she forgive me or not.. but I still pray that in the end.. she and Sam ended together..

Reaching my dorm.. I quickly change.. and left the dorm.. anggi text me to come to party hall.. that we all are go together and dress there.. and I don't mind in that..

When I reach there.. all girls are standing there.. with worry eyes.. what happened.. why there face look like pal..

" hayy.. what's going on here.." I asked anggi and Amma.. when they both see me.. they both come.. and got up there foot.. and walk towards me..

" we have little problem Ava.. " Amma said to me.. not again..

And here.. I thought all going to be perfect.. but know.. universal want something else..
