
He And His Stupid Rules

" what are you doing here... and were are you doing" he said and close the our distance. I wiped my tears and turn around and face him. Give him little smile.

I am little bit scared.. my whole body is shaking.. I just dont know I just can't breath.. in my life I am never in this condition. Its call karma is bitch.

Dont weak front of people... you are strong... you never going to loss in up... dont cry... stop shaking... I keep telling myself. Stay confident and face him.

In that all thought. I didn't know that Max come close and stand front of me..and looking at me... and smirked.. what the... I just dont know and whatever is that my mood swings. My attitude change front of him. somthinng about him that make me not to feel weak. not to give upm or show him that how weak I am.. I always back in my badass mood. and than I rolled my eyes.

" I am staying.." I said him straight to the point.. no more games. Already my life is games. Who's going to playing me still. And I still didn't get it who's this and why they want for me. And I can't just win this I can't get any route were to go what to do.. I dont wanted to explain him. And look him.. he look at me. And think like he just  won the game... I know he's surprise sudden my come back but dude you dont.. I just give him smirked back.. and he rise he's eyebrow.

" what." I yelled. And looking him to angrily. I just dont wanted to give him satisfaction look.

" come in... " he said and turn to the walking at mansion. other hand I silently followed him.

" there has a some rules... who's you wanted to follow. " he entered the kitchen and I still follow him... well again in back in he's shitty behavior. my bag is with me in my shoulder. And I'm anytime to going to loss in up.. but try to not.. but what can I do it's to havy.

He saw how I'm struggling but he ignore me and than continue open the fridge and grab the water bottle and handed to me.. I rise my eyebrow... how can I drink this man... than he know that what I'm saying than he nodded. And grab my bag and than give me the water bottle to drink.

Didn't say to thanks to him I just ignore him and drink the water... I drink full bottle of the drink.. he just looking at me with wild eye's surprise well me to. now what can I do man... I m thrusty. I just ignore him. And rolled my eye's.

After doing that. We both sitting in the couch and I just looking at my feet.. and he still staring at me.. and I Don't like this... I'm still wearing he's damn clothes.. I just forgot about that.. maybe he's thinking about this.. but I still dont like someone staring at me.. It's uncomfortable.

" dont do that... it's irritating" I said didn't even looking at him.. I just can't looking at him.. dont know why.. I don't feel like to looked at him.

" what.. " he quickly said.

" dont stare..." I said to him angrily. I just hate this if someone staring at me.. it's little bit uncomfortable. And irritating me. How can he didn't know.

" ummm... well.. about that rules.." he said. And than I look at him..

" yeahh.." I said in straight looking at him. We both are looking each other. Why he's looking at me like that.

" yeaa... about that... you have to do what I said to you... I don't want in answer no.. and I don't like argument. You have everything you can do that... but you can't get out this mansion without my permission. If I am bussy this some business or meeting with my people or somthinng you have to keep in the you room. You can't get out that time.. I dont like interruption. You can't talk with anyone else without my permission. And you have no entry to any other rooms.. I will show you your bedrooms you can do whatever you wanted to do.. plus kitchen opposites is gym..  and you wanted to watch something you can watch tv. But if I'm in meeting or any other stuff heading that time. I don't hear that stupid noise... understand." He said and he's attitude totally change this time. I just nodded. I dont like watching the tv. Yeaa... gym well that's best this that I can workout and out all of my frustration to in gym.. and yeaa... I Don't interested to see he's mansion. I am here for hiding. I Don't wanted to tell him.. I want to just stay some time and out of here to as fast as I can do...

" what time are you working out to your gym?" I said to him.. I dont like go there... when doing he's work out.. he looking at me and thinking something I don't know what... I just ignore he's stare and waiting for he's answer.

" why... that's none of your business. " he said fuck off assholle. I just wanted to kill him.. fuck I just can't do this now... for now.. he's helping me to hide so control your anger av..

" I always go morning for jogg.. " I said to him... whatever time I am still here... I can't stop my workout and maintain my diet. I look at him..

" there is a walking matching you can jogg there.. anything else " he yelled.. like I scared of him.. no way..

" what about my completion. They will call to my home about my absent in there.. what about that.." its really important. I don't want to know about this to James... if he know about this.. he come and get me.. and than we as first train come in station like that he can ready to move city... I know how he love me.. after her death...

" you dont have to worry... I will handle this all.. " he said. I nodded and ready to go to my bedroom and sleep. I don't wanted to more talk with him.. or seen he's face...

He also stood up.. and walk toward the stairs.. I followed him.. grab my bag and follow him.. reaching top floor after 2 door after he open the door. And enter. I follow him enter the room. Its all white.. king side bed in Middle of the bedroom. And all in white... like I am reaching some heaven or hospital or what... I reach the bed and take there my bag and sit beside there. And he still stood there. Don't know why... maybe waiting for to I could say to him.. Maybe thanks.. well dude it's not gonna happen.

" well good night than" I said to him. And he nodded and left the room without saying anything.

After that.. I lay down in bad... and close my eye's.

" long day.. " said to myself. I just can't believe 3day's and were I am... some strangers home... who's i slapped him in 2days ago in front of everyone. About all this happened. Why he still wanted to help me... something that I don't know about this.. I never come here.. I even know anybody. Is that this city's people are really nice.. most of there's gang leaders. I have to find out... why he's helping me.. why they man are standing to my dorm and asking about me.. all I have to find out as fast as I can do... something is happening that I don't know.. and I am going to find out soon...  because now I have nothing to do. All are just think eat and sleeping I guess. and than thinking all that I finally sleep.
