
I will love you till the end of time

"Arrghh fuck" Michael growled, slowly opening his eyes. He had completely lost of time. Everything around him was dark. He instinctively turned his head to see if Gaya was lying beside him as usual. Except, when he turned aside, a parchment rolled out from his chest.

"Gaya" he called out for her looking around the room. He received no response. At first, he thought she went outside. However, he felt a strange void in his heart. He picked up the parchment,

"Azazel" before opening the parchment, he called out for his butler.

In a few mere moments, the demon butler appeared before Michael.

"Turn the lights on" 

With a wave of his hand, the demon butler lit the room.

Michael opened the parchment to read. Azazel noticed Michael creasing his brows. A hint of shock and sadness emerged in his eyes.

Dear Human,
