
You have lost your mind

"What are you looking for?" Sunwo asked from Do Yeong.

"Yoon Shik. He has not returned from the ground. The master is too strict on him. It is his first time learning that." Yeong expressed his concern.

"Why are you so concerned about him? Others might take it other way," Sunwo asserted.

"Because he stands up for the things which I always wanted to. But because of abeoji I cannot do that. I just want to help in every possible way and want to support him always," stated Yeong with an affirmed tone.

"Your father does not like the presence of Yoon Shik around you. Once we will be out of this academy, things will change drastically especially for Yoon Shik. He has given Department of Rites already so even if he wants to change, he cannot do anything. You will be a court minister. Your father is quite dangerous for your friendship with Yoon Shik. You should keep that in mind," declared Sunwo.

"I know. I might reject this court position because I want to be like-"

"Yoon Shik?" Sunwo chuckled upon hearing that. "Yoon Shik is a different case. You and I know well for him passing the national level is going to be toughest," asserted Sunwo. Do Yeong with inquisitiveness looked at him.

"Lee Eunshi was right. No one will let Yoon Shik to come out of this academy because of he gets a government position then it is threatening for Yangbans. More Sangmin will try coming up and nobility never wants that. Yeong- ah, you and I will not be able to support Yoon Shik after sometime because of our families," pronounced Sunwo.

"I know. But like Yoon Shik said that we are in present so we should only think of that. Future can be changed, I guess based on our present actions," stated Do Yeong.

Sunwo amusingly looked at him. "You are so much influenced by Yoon Shik. Well, it is true future is based on our present actions," asserted Sunwo. "Let's then help Yoon Shik. We can eat later with him," said Sunwo.

"We will only get meal in the night. Are you sure?" Yeong queried him.

"Of course," Sunwo declared and put his arm around Yeong's shoulder. He then opened his fan from the other hand and the two left for the ground.

Yoon Shik was practicing in the ground. The scorching heat was falling directly above him. Beads of sweats were formed on his entire face. His throat was dried up when he thought to stop when his eyes turned to Cheung Shin who was watching over him from the other side. "No, I cannot stop as my master is also standing in this heat," thought Yoon Shik.

Do Yeong and Sunwo saw Yoon Shik was being observed by Cheung Shin. "Yeong-ah, do you not think this master looks like a girl?" Sunwo asked him.

"You are again at that," Yeong said. "Look over there. Yoon Shik is practicing do much. Let's help him," stated Yeong. Cheung Shin tilted his head towards right and glared at them. He walked towards them. They both lowered their heads immediately. "Hey, you two. Watch over him. Don't let him rest until he hit the target," stated Cheung Shin.

"Okay, Master Shin," Yeong replied.

"But master we can lie too. So, how would you know whether we are saying truth or lie?" Sunwo asked.

"I will deduct your marks if you tried lying," saying this Cheung Shin answered and walked past them. Sunwo and Yeong turned to look at him. "He seems so young and we have to call him master," Sunwo said. "He did not even answer," he further said.

"Let's go over there," said Yeong and the two walked towards Yoon Shik.


"It was so hot there. I think my skin has burnt because of that scorching heat," murmured Cheung Shin and went towards the resting place of Sungkyunkwan. The place was full of trees and a small pond was also situated there. He sat on the one of the wooden seats made slightly near the pond.

"I was happier in Department of Law despite they used to give me mostly record work. At least there I had not to bear such an environment," Cheung Shin murmured. "Aish, I should not have saved that administrator," he further said and stomped at the ground.

"Master Cheung Shin seems a bit annoyed," voiced a man.

Cheung Shin looked into the direction of the voice. "Eunshi," he mumbled and got up from the wooden bench.

"What is a woman doing here?" Lee Eunshi asked.

"Do not call me a woman," Cheung Shin stated and looked around.

"Noh Eunho, you have lost your mind, right? Entered Sungkyunkwan with this name- Cheung Shin!" chuckled Lee Eunshi.

"I have my reasons. Now, I am regretting it," Eunho said and sighed. "Well, call me Master Shin so that no can be suspicious of me, prince Eunshi. Here, I am a man for everyone," she said and grinned.

"Don't use title before my name. My identity is hidden, Master Shin," asserted Eunshi.

"Hmm." Cheung Shin got seated on the bench again. "So, how is your life going here?" Cheung Shin asked.

"It is worse than I expected. I got four people around me who are annoying, master Shin," stated Lee Eunshi.

"Nice. So, there are people who can actually annoy prin- sorry, I mean you," replied Cheung Shin.

"Leave it. Master, why are you working so hard on Yoon Shik?" Lee Eunshi asked.

"Because he is my student," replied Cheung Shin. "But why are you so interested in him? Well, he surprised me. He qualified the exam with second rank. I mean if he would be from a good family then he might have aced the exam," Cheung Shin proclaimed.

Lee Eunshi nodded. "Master Shin, but what is the use in learning? He will end up in worse situation. Yangbans will not let him get ahead," opined Eunshi. Cheung Shin did not say a word after that.

"I should leave, master Shin. It was nice talking to you," saying this Lee Eunshi left from there.


"Ahjussi, give me a free meal today," said Hani to Baek Chun.

"Okay, go in. I am sending meals for you," stated Baek Chun.

"What happened to you? Since when you became so generous?" Hani queried him.

"Since the day Yoon Shik left for Sungkyunkwan. Look my restaurant feels so lonely without him," stated Baek Chun in a sad tone. "When did these 9 years passed, I wonder!" murmured Baek Chun.

"Even I am missing orabani. Ahjussi, can I go there?" Hani inquired him.

"Women are not allowed there," Baek Chun replied. "Do not even think about that," said Baek Chun as he was writing something on the ledger book. Hani smirked and left from there.

He went to Jangmi's bookstore. Jangmi was taking monies from the people who were buying the book. Hani went near the counter when it was emptied.

"Ahjussi, have you met orabani?" Hani asked from Jangmi who was counting the money.

"Yes. He now looks like those nobles. He still studies hard," asserted Jangmi.

"Do you need a helper?" Hani asked him.

"No, I have plenty of workers," replied Jangmi and put the coins inside the small drawer.

"Ahjussi, hire me please. I will work for free unlike the others," Hani pronounced. Jangmi looked at her with suspicious eyes.

"You can never work for free for anyone. Tell me what do you want?" Jangmi asked while laughing.

"Ahjussi, you always helped orabani. So, I should work for free for you to express my gratitude towards you. My orabani will be happy to see that I am working for you," Hani proclaimed and smiled. "I can even carry those books to Sungkyunkwan. You do not have to tire yourself," stated Hani and grinned sheepishly.

Jangmi gestured her to come closer. Hani did so when Jangmi whispered in her ear, "Women are not allowed in Sungkyunkwan. Your orabani might get punished if someone will catch you. So, do not even think about this." Jangmi advised her.

"Ahjussi, no one will recognize me. I will just took a glance of Orabani. You see, I have never been separated from Orabani," Hani said with teary eyes.

"Hani, that place is not for you. Yoon Shik is doing good," said Jangmi and stepped back. "Go home and help your father," stated Jangmi.

"I want to meet Orabani," asserted Hani.

"You cannot," Jangmi replied.

"I can. I will wear robes like men. No one will able to recognize me. I have heard in ancient women used to be spies in men's clothing. I will do the same," stated Hani. "Please Ahjussi. Take me there. Please," Hani pleaded Jangmi.

"I cannot. Go home. Don't be adamant," said Jangmi. Hani murmured something and then walked out of the bookstore.

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