

After that, Grandfather Xiang asked Mu Chenyan and Xia Zhao to follow him. Xiang Hulin also decided to join them. 

"Ellie, do you wanna eat grapes?" asked Hyson.


"Let's go and get some grapes from the grapevine. Fresh! I think they'd be super delicious."

"Where is it?" asked Raelle.

"In my yard," answered Hyson as he pulled her along.

When he brought her there and looked back, his lips twitched at the people who followed.

"I only called my best friend," he said.

"I come in a package with your best friend. Don't you remember that, Fai?" asked Shui Xian shamelessly.

Hyson didn't have anything to say to him, "Okay. What about you guys?"

"I also wanted to eat grapes," said Xiang Wai.

"Justin wanted to see the grapes trellis," said Xiang Weimin.
