
Robot Cat

Watching cartoons, Hyson commented, "Ellie, you're just like Doraemon."

"Am I now?" questioned Raelle and looked up at the cartoons playing on the tv. She looked at that blue cat called Doraemon and tried to find out why she was like that cat?

Hyson nodded his head vigorously, "Yes, you are."

"Are you calling me a robot?" asked Raelle. Hyson looked at her as she continued, "Isn't that a robotic cat?"

Hyson facepalmed himself, "That's not what I meant."

"Then please do tell what you really mean."

Hyson pulled up his legs and sat cross-legged while facing her. "It's like this, whenever something goes wrong with Nobita, he goes to look for Doraemon."

"That boy really likes complaining," Raelle came to that conclusion while watching these cartoons.

"Nobita goes to Doraemon, not because he knows that Doraemon will be able to help him it out," explained Hyson.

