
First Love Is Dangerous

Surprisingly, Grandfather Xiang and Shui Koshing came back earlier than expected. There was no other reason than the fact that they both felt like spending time home was far much worthwhile than chatting idly at the banquet held after the charity auction. They both had no interest in socializing. 

They both had retired from their respective fields for a while and left everything to the younger generation. However, there were still people who were anticipating making their acquaintance. It was a pity that they were all bound to be disappointed.

When Grandfather Xiang came back, Hyson was the first one to jump around like a kid. He told him what he ate, what he did, and a lot of nonsense. And just as always, Grandfather Xiang patiently listened to Hyson's chattering without complaining. In fact, he seemed to be enjoying it as always. There was nothing new about this scene.
