
Play The Villain

The weekend rolled in pretty quickly. At least, that's what Hyson felt. Usually, when he had to follow a strict schedule, he always wished for a day to rest. Needless to say, idols like him didn't have the luxury to count the weekend as a holiday like white collars who had fixed working hours. They often had activities planned for the weekend as well. The work activities seemed endless.

But now that every day, he could laze around, he felt like the days were passing very fast and yet very slow. His feelings were contradictory but it wasn't his fault. He felt like he was soon gonna grow some mold if he didn't get to do some work soon.

This had to be blamed on Raelle. The way she always preferred work over leisure seemed to have rubbed off on Hyson very well. Although he wished for a break once in a while, he indeed had become fond of working as well. And now he was counting days for the audition date so that he could have something to do!

"Yue Fai, come out for breakfast!"
