
Chapter 112 RIP children

Arata- "Holy shit. Go outside."

Tomura, who noticed me as soon as the doors open, looks at me with his red eyes. Although his face gives off a feeling of impassiveness, his eyes are filled with hatred. I'm not surprised. He hates this world, after all. Furthermore, he now has no chance of ever realising his dream of breaking down this society.

Tomura- "… What are you doing here…?"

Well, he can escape if All for One takes action. I never, for one moment, believed that simply locking them up in Tartarus will stop them from continuing to achieve their ambitions. All for One has a massive number of followers. Even after he went into hiding and many of them died or were captured, there is still a considerable number.

Tomura- "Here to gloat? To boast about your win?"

I can guarantee All for One has a way to break out with the help of those hiding followers. And if he can break out, Tomura, who is his greatest work, can break out too. And so, to deal with this once and for all, I need to take care of their source of strength.

Their quirks.

Tomura- "Unfortunately for you, you didn't win anything, you white-haired bastard, because I haven't lost."

From my inventory, I take out a card. [Probability Allowance] is written on it. To knock All for One and Tomura out from the running will mean that the majority of the events from here on out will be left without their counterpart villains, which will mess up the timeline. So, I have to change that. The card in my hand disappears into motes of light. I continue repeating my actions until I feel like I have enough probability to do what I'm about to do.

Tomura keeps on spouting some bullshit I can't be bothered listening to. He should have noticed by now that I'm completely ignoring him but it seems his malnourished state made his awareness take a hit. After about 5 minutes, I feel like I have enough probability. So, from my inventory, I take out something different.

A small case that fits in my hand. Opening the case, a row of familiar red bullets show themselves. Eri's quirk destroying bullets. There's only 4 of them in here.

A week or so ago, I asked Eri if I could use these bullets one final time to take care of All for One and Tomura. I know she would have agreed even if I said I was going to use those bullets on some innocent people passing by. She just trusts me that much, she would have believed that those people did something wrong.

I didn't need to ask her. I could have just used these bullets without telling anyone. But I just felt like I had to. She went through a lot of pain and suffering and quite literally bled for these bullets. I had to at least ask for her permission.

And she agreed.

[A quest has generated.]

[Tying up some loose ends.

All for One and Tomura will eventually find their way out of Tartarus. Once they do, it will become much harder to find and eliminate them. Make sure they don't get that chance! Either prevent their escape from Tartarus or make it futile even if they escaped.

Reward: Limit Break Pill

Failure Condition: All for One or Tomura Shigaraki escape from Tartarus with their powers intact.

Failure: Death.]

Another quest. Hah, I don't need a quest to tell me to do this. Well, the rewards are always welcome.

I take out a bullet from the case and close it before sliding it back into my inventory. I use [Vector Manipulation] to phase the bullet and my hand through the glass wall. I place it between my thumb and forefinger and flick it.

It flew faster than it would have gone after being shot out of a gun and went straight towards Tomura's child sack… before tearing through his pants and hitting the ground.

… The fuck? It didn't hit anything? Does he not have a dick? Did he disintegrate it or something?

So I get some string from my inventory, control it with [Vector Manipulation], retrieve the bullet before firing it again, this time, into Tomura ass.

Tomura- "And them the hero society will fa *Splat* aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!"

Rest in peace.

I turned around, walked out of the blast door, having Jarvis close it behind me. Thank goodness it's soundproof.

Himiko- "Are you done? Hey, what did you do to Tomura? Did you stab him?"

In a way, yes. Yes I did. But I don't answer.

Arata- "Don't ask stupid questions. Just lead the way."

Himiko in turn just chuckles and continues walking down the corridor. We continue walking until we reach a certain blast door that Himiko once again stopped in front of. Taking this as my cue, I place my hand on top of the scanner to the side and the blast door opens. I turn myself invisible this time and walk through the door.

I'm tempted to just scream "Whassup fuckers" as I enter but I hold myself back.

I see yet another familiar face. A fugly one, to be fair, but familiar nonetheless. Since I'm invisible and blocked every kind of way he can sense me through his quirks, he doesn't notice me.

Right now he's sitting in a wheelchair in the centre of the room restrained by a white straight jacket and wearing an oxygen mask. He has a quirk erasing cuffs on his arms and a neck taser, but even so, I don't think he's entirely harmless. [Sixth Sense] is telling me not to let my guard down, even now. I wonder how strong he was at his peak if even with all of these restraints, I'm still getting warnings.

But still, I don't waste any time. I take out a quirk erasing bullet, phase my hand through the glass wall, and shoot it with a [Vector Manipulation] powered flick, right in the balls.



A blood-curdling scream comes out from All for One. He wasn't prepared, he doesn't even know how it happened, he just suddenly felt excruciating pain from his little brother. The unholy pain he is feeling exceeds everything he ever went through in his life. His egg sack has been obliterated and any hope for children has been lost. Many times within the short following seconds All for One heavily considered suicide from both the excruciating pain and the instinctual despair of the loss of something all men cherish.

And he also realised something terrifying…

It's not regenerating.

All for One- "N-no! Why!? Why are my quirks- ARGH! The pain!"

As he's struggling around in his restraints, I also close my legs and cover my precious with my hands. In my mind, all the chibi me's stop whatever they're doing and also kneel on the ground, covering their little brother. The second-hand pain is real.

To be honest, even I'm starting to feel sorry for you. No man should have to go through with this after all… well, you deserve it. Rot in hell for daring to injure Rumi. Don't think I've forgotten, fucker!

But still, he was panicking when he realised he couldn't use his quirks. That means he could still use his quirks even with those cuffs on…?

Oh well, I don't care. Just to make sure I don't make a mistake here, I use [Book of Existence] on the still struggling All for One. As the chibi me's recover and read through the book that appeared with the title of "Shigaraki". It's more of a confirmation, to make sure that All for One lost his quirks permanently.

And it seems… it's completely gone. There's no chance of All for One ever getting his quirk back.

I didn't want to leave this guy thinking I erased his quirk only for him to get back at me later down the line. I'm not a xianxia protagonist.

I walk back out of the blast door, closing it behind me and blocking out All for One's screaming.

[Quest complete, receiving rewards in inventory.]

[Received: Limit Break Pill]

[Limit Break Pill

Breaks the limits of your physical body. Now you have no cap on how strong you can get. The best part is that you can keep your hair!]


A/N: Just a heads up, the Limit Breaker Pill won't be used for a REALLY long time. Just letting you know.

MC: ...

AN: ... MC?

MC: ...

AN: Are you ok?

MC: ... I dont know man. Did I really do the right thing...?

AN: Hey, calm down. You erased their quirks, sure, but they were really bad guys. Thousands would have died if you just left them alone.

MC: Yeah, but like... Did I go too far?

AN: ... What?

MC: ... I crushed any chance of him having children.


MC: Hey! I was angry!

AN: You monster! No man should have to go through with that!

Let me know if I missed anything!

Also consider dropping your balls.
