
Competition For Attention

Cassidy was staring out to the window when the whole bouquets showdown was taking place, completely unaware of the Millicent brothers' mini confrontation.

Only then did she realize how lovely the evening scenery was. The sea of city lights seems to outshine the crystal-like brilliance of the stars above. There are also the hustles and bustles down below that make her sigh with a sense of yearning. As always, the outside world appears more enjoyable in her eyes - much more than the lavish setting of the dining hall she's currently in.

With those in mind, Cassidy can't help but mind the glass window as if it's the one that's separating her from the world she used to live in before. 

'What if the orphanage is no longer there, though? I don't have any other home. Where else would I go once I left...?' she brooded quietly before suddenly stiffening at what she just thought.
