
Bellatrix's Mind(1)

Severus didn't publish results of wolfsbane potion, and he decided to transmit all data to original creator. Adding note with cliché text to force Belby to publish the potion under his name.

'For greater good of all kinds...' This wasn't his original creation, claiming his credit wouldn't yield him much benefit.

Order of Merlin? It could be bought with money, and small fame was good for future relationships. All he needed in his current situation was time, and he didn't have obligation to stop Voldemort.

Dumbledore hasn't made any moves yet, why should young wizard take care of their problems.

After returning from meeting, he decided to relax. Sitting next to the fireplace and drinking with accompaniment of Bellatrix.

"I have those dreams… Watching my sisters die because me." She got little emotional thanks to couple glasses of wine.

"Bella… You cannot blame yourself. They have their minds and ability to make decisions."

"You know my father's methods…" Considering his magic obedience training, they could end up worse than Bellatrix.

'Actually… Narcissa wasn't causing any troubles, and her goal was to wed the pureblooded wizard. Andromeda was good at pretending.'

"They are capable women. Stronger than you think…" Recently she stopped receiving letters from them, which caused her to panic.

"Bella. They are at home… It's extremely risky to write now." It was logical explanation, and they didn't want to be disowned for such puny things.

"I understand…" Her mood was terrible, there was no goal to divert her attention.

'This is right… She was always broken. Tom provided her with purpose to focus on. I added himself to her memories and abandoned her in this house…'

"Let's talk about a future… What do you want to do with your life?"

"My life? I don't know… All things feel bleak. Being part of House of Black wasn't best… At the minimum, I had my sisters…"

"I get it… It's my fault then. Do you know why… I did what I did? It's your mind Bella… Your freaking mind… I wanted to save you. Your father tried to shape you into something else… Mind arts are really dangerous. Every time you erase or modify memory, and your mind is getting damaged. Normally, mind recovers… In your case, mind never had time to recover…"

"My mind… All those things make sense now! Sometimes, I feel wrong about my own thoughts. It's like I was someone else…" Missing pieces of her life could cause such confusion, some memories shape personality of the person.

"John? Can you fix me?" A tear fell from her eye as she realized her situation.

"I don't know, Bella. I will try… I cannot restore minds… At least not yet. I don't know if such magic exists…" It was straightforward answer, and he couldn't be certain about his future.

"Will I be stuck like this? Forever broken?"

"No, Bella! If there is no magic to heal you. I will obtain another way… At worst case, I will create a new branch of magic for you…"

"Create magic? John, I am not naïve. It's extremely hard…"

"And what? Hard? Bella! We have freaking magic! Our existence defies laws of nature! We are impossible! With memories or without. You are destined to be the great witch! It's your choice… I helped you grab fate into your own hands. Rest is your own decision." He precisely meant those things, feeling little angry from his previous life view. They basically bended reality to their will without many limits.

"My own fate… my own decision." Things considered normal for most of the people, her voice repeated his words with disbelief.

"Bella… Pureblooded people are wrong. Power doesn't come from purity. It comes from diversity… Look at state of families. Most of them are average wizards… Being pure didn't get them anywhere. There are many powerful half-blood wizards."

"What? It's impossible…"

"Dumbledore is half-blood. The leader of death eaters is half-blood too. It makes purity theory waste of time. They should focus on magic instead messing around with shitty religious preaching."

"The dark lord is half-blood?! How do you…" Many pure blood supremacists follow him without any questions, none would ever suspect someone leading such cause not being one of pureblooded wizards.

"I cannot tell you about this yet… It's not like I don't trust you… This knowledge is extremely dangerous for current you. Currently, I am none in wizarding community. You on the other hand are… marked as blood traitor by Blacks. They might not directly go after you… but others are different." Bellatrix felt like reality flushed her with ice cold water.

"I am sorry… I am too weak."

"Not really, Bella. You have potential to be the great witch…You were just misguided by shortsighted people." She needed to get to her problems by herself, directing her thoughts would result in backslash after mind healing.

'I don't know… how long her recovery will take. She needs to build her own existence… I can instruct her if she comes to me with initiative.' His modifications on her mind weren't crazy to level of turning her pro muggle witch.

"I am sorry, John. I need to think about my life." Her thoughts could lead to some understanding of her own life.

"It's okay. If you need anything. I will probably here." His bottle wasn't empty and he wanted to read some books for entertainment.

She staggered back to her own room, and he hoped for her quick realization of the flaw in line of thought.

'Powerful magic isn't only limited to Dark magic…'

'I am little too radical in my opinion about sacred twenty-eight. Nothing is black and white. They need reformations… The best way would be, train certain individuals and make them take over all 'sacred' families.' Other ways would make him marked as Dark lord, and it needed to be done in Hydra style.

'Blacks? Sirius? He is disappointment as a person…Trying wouldn't hurt though…Regulus would be better choice. Lestrange… Hmm… They are at present in Tom's club. Modifying his memories? It's like looking for a fight with Tom.' Unfortunately some families were destined to go extinct in name as their genes were in other 'pure' families.

'It would be regretful if their fortune went to goblins. Only other Lestrange is Leta? Letta? She is dead…'

'First dark lord? It's ignorant… First modern dark lord? I don't believe in fact that there was no dark lord in the past.'

'I don't believe if their thoughts about muggles are… There was none with uncontrollable temper going around and getting justice for stupidity of muggles. Malfoys were killing using black death as cover… Fuck… Why am I thinking about such matters? I was supposed to relax.' Picking up one of the books prepared for fun time, he decided to read some fantasy books. Most fun part was some tittles from the previous world existed in this world.

Most of his favorite ways of entertainment weren't even invented in this moment, and he planned to go to muggle world and give them friendly push in future.

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I came back and wrote two chapters...

I will write another one after break.

This will be first part of two part chapter.

After those chapters, there will be some action.

DarkCrosscreators' thoughts