
Chapter 9: Remember Your Past, Forget Their Future Part 10

“Are you saying that she… sacrificed herself to let us progress?” Urkstin questioned, seeming to get increasingly upset at the idea. Personally I was feeling the same way, but for a much different reason.

“That… would explain why the handwriting does not match.” Liam responded, solemnly. Everyone seemed to be getting on board with the idea, which just infuriated me more, to the point where I couldn’t hold back.

“But that doesn’t explain the notes themselves!” I suddenly exclaimed, getting everyone’s attention, “If she was just killin’ herself to let us get out, then why would she write those notes?”

“Maybe she just wanted to stop anyone from finding her and stopping her from doing it.” Akira suggested, causing my fists to ball and my blood to boil.

“But… that-” I stammered on, trying to think of some hole in their theory, but my head was pounding too much to think straight.
