
Maunya berapa?

Rena clings to her husband's arms, who is driving the car to the Sanjaya family's house.

"Why do you love?"

"Want to get pregnant."

Ronald chuckled, then caressed his wife's cheek gently. "Okay, I also want to have children. How many children do you want to have?"

"Um…. Four, five or eight."

"Huh?! Seriously?" Ronald asked with a smile as if Rena was telling a joke. Even though not at all, this wife really wants to have many children, doesn't want to be like her who has been an only child for too long when she has only one brother, Danil. She wants her house to be full of laughter and tears of their children, maybe that's one of the reasons Rena got married, so that she can produce more children without being bothered by her age.

"I'm serious, I'm still very young, so plenty of time and opportunity for me to give birth, how about it? Do you mind, honey?"
