
[Bonus chapter] When We Come For You

"Really, what?–" Alaina straightened as if she just realized something. "You know what, never mind. Spare me the details." She flipped her hand in air in dismissal.

"Oh come on! this one was actually funny." Aria whined before letting go, "Alright, fine I'll tell them to Leo, he'll surely have a laugh. Speaking of which, don't worry he's not ignoring you." 

"Yeah? How do you know that?" Alaina was not believing it.

"On my quest of finding you, because I couldn't call from my dead phone-"

Alaina cut Aria mid sentence, "Oh so that's why it was saying you were unreachable! You better start charging that thing before I throw it in a meat grinder, Aria, it's always dead!" she ranted angrily.
