
Chapter 26

NB: this point of view would be told from Susan Blackman - the mother of Zenia and Jasmine.

Susan Blackman's POV

I wanted to yell at him for constantly telling me to do the right thing. I know what the right thing was, I didn't need him to tell me. All the girls knew were that he wasn't there for them as a father should.

I used the hand scanner to unlock the penthouse suite, Martin followed right behind me.

"I shouldn't have brought you here. Zenia still hasn't warmed up to you and I don't want to upset her more than she already is."

"Susan, I think it's best that you tell her the truth right now. You're the reason why I wasn't there for the girls."

"I'm the reason Martin? Oh, of course you would say that because that's all you were always good at. Putting the blame on me."

He stepped back through the door. "You know what, when Jasmine gets back from her honeymoon, I'm going to tell her the truth. I don't care how she'll feel about you afterwards but they deserved to know!"
