
The Kitchen and the Medic Room

編集者: EndlessFantasy Translation

Chen Xin did not know whether building a kitchen would improve his living conditions, but he could tell his survival points went up ever since he started upgrading certain things.

Once he upgraded his ventilation system, his survival points went from ten points to eleven.

An improved ventilation system only helped with one survival point, Chen Xin felt like it was not enough. However, it was still good news.

Chen Xin was confident in renovating his cooking area so he planned to build a kitchen and gain more survival points.

Even though Chen Xin was ahead of schedule, he still tried to clear an area for his induction stove, pots, pans, and his tableware. However, he could not do much without survival points.

Thankfully, the system provided previews, Chen Xin knew it was possible to have a kitchen. He did not have a real kitchen yet, just a bunch of stuff in a cooking area.

"Basic Simple Kitchen"

"Upgrade Plan A — Integrate an induction stove, a sink, and a wall cabinet. Two hundred survival points were required for this upgrade."

"Upgrade Plan B — Integrate a multipurpose stove, a sink, and a freestanding dishwasher. Three hundred and fifty survival points were required for this upgrade."

Chen Xin felt relieved and excited seeing that the system recognized his abundance of stuff as a kitchen.

He was excited because the system could do more than upgrade the existing rooms. By using the same method he used to renovate the kitchen, he could group a bunch of items together and create useful areas like a medic room or a gym. As for his unboxed electronic devices, he might be able to build a gaming area or an entertainment room from them.

He should try upgrading the entire bunker to see whether he could create new rooms. It was more effective than trying to upgrade his existing rooms.

The kitchen upgrade plan did not require a lot of survival points so Chen Xin decided to prioritize the kitchen if there were no other important room options to build.

The medic room was at the top of his list too. He grouped his medical items together but unfortunately, the system did not consider it as a medic room. It recognized it as medical items and provided upgrade options for a first-aid kit or a medicine equipment package.

Chen Xin was disappointed that he could not build a medic room.

He expected this since he only had a few medical items. He only had an outdoor first-aid kit and a family-friendly medicine kit. His outdoor first-aid kit was basic. It was useful for minor injuries but it was far from a battlefield first-aid kit, he could not perform a surgical first aid.

Chen Xin needed to wait until it was okay to go outside and collect more equipment to be able to build a medic room. 

He could also use all his survival points on his medical items like constantly upgrading his first-aid kits. He might end up being able to create a medic room just from upgrades.

However, it was unrealistic. His medic room would end up being too costly, and he could not afford to waste his survival points.

Chen Xin considered it but gave up on the idea.

He could not go outside yet because it was not safe, Chen Xin decided that the medic room could wait.

The medic room was not a priority even if he could go outside. Chen Xin felt like he should gather and collect items before considering a medic room.

He decided his next step was to focus on upgrading the kitchen. He placed the medicine kits back in the cabinet of the living room.

Chen Xin noticed a big metal case underneath the cabinet, it was the metal case he used to contain his electrical equipment.

He used it to prevent the EMP shockwave from the meteor crash. Chen Xin wrapped his electrical equipment in aluminum foil and placed it in this metal case before moving into the bunker.

This was the only way he could think of to preserve his electrical equipment.

It was boring in the bunker, even with the help of the system. He would just tend to the plants, worry about upgrades, and tidy his items. He would mostly worry about the situation outside. Basically, he did not have much to do.

If Chen Xin did not have the system, he might feel like it was the end of his world.

All he did was to prepare his bunker, he was alienated from the outside world. It was hard to get information and he did not know whether he would survive, so he worried about his future and the future of humanity.

Chen Xin did not want to go outside eventually and find out that Earth was destroyed. It would be even worse if he was the only survivor left in the world.

Chen Xin felt like it would be easier to kill himself if that was the situation.

He could not imagine living and dying alone as the last human.

Chen Xin did not have to courage to survive like Will Smith in the movie "I Am Legend", he could not face the danger and loneliness by himself.

Chen Xin wanted to take out his electronics from the case. He could pass the time by playing some video games on his phone or laptop, but most importantly, he could contact the outside world with his shortwave radio.

He promised to stay in contact with his friends in the survival group chat, before moving into the bunker. They previously agreed on setting a radio channel to send messages and contact each other on.

However, Chen Xin eventually resisted his urge and did not open the case.

The EMP shockwave might not have passed yet, also he could not access the radio anyway.

Chen Xin was a bunker two hundred meters underneath the ground. He was alienated from the outside world and there was no reception that deep.
