"Are you comfortable with your husband being just outside the door during your sessions?" Kimberly's therapist asked after they were done with the pleasantries.
Kimberly couldn't guess what it was about the therapist or his office that made her relax. It was probably the colors or the overall decor of the office since, as an interior designer, she knew the power of colors and tones. Or maybe it was just the knowledge that Eric was sitting just outside the door and waiting for her.
"I'm actually very comfortable. I don't mind him being in here either," Kimberly said with a small smile.
"You don't? That is a new one," He said with a surprised smile when she gave him a curt nod.
"Well, I like to follow an unorthodox approach when interacting with my friends... We are friends, right?" He asked with a disarming smile.
"I suppose we could say that since I'm going to be confiding in you about a lot of things," Kimberly said with a shrug.