
Complete Spec

Kathleen's heart skipped a beat the moment she opened her eyes on Monday morning.

Mondays, ordinarily, were her least favourite day of the week, and she was sure almost every other worker in Lagos would agree with her.

But this particular Monday was different because it would be the first time she would have to go to work with her boss.

She had done her best to avoid him all through the previous day. Even when he had come back in the afternoon with the jollof rice from earlier, Sharon had answered the door and taken the food from him while she had remained hidden in her bedroom.

Knowing she would have to decide whether or not to go with him to the office in his car or jump from bus to bus to get to work this morning made her groan.

She reluctantly took out her Open Heaven devotional and started her morning prayers. After praying,, she showered before walking over to the wardrobe to look for something to wear.
