
2074. Beach Clearing

"Sister, behind you!" Onyx sent a warning to Midnight who had just leaped over to slash apart a corrupted undead bear. Her claws had been wreathed in purifying light flames for the majority of her battle after suppressing many of the first wave of these corrupted monsters with a roar of wind. 

Her claws left the target she had just slashed behind with white flames before she leaped to dodge the incoming attack of a corrupted undead angel that was wielding a rusted and broken sword. Her counter was the whip of her tail also covered in the very same flames, however, she had condensed some earth on the end of her tail too. 

This little tack had come from Terron. She had watched him condense some earth as additional armor, but when she saw that she could use it as an attack instead, she was interested. Especially since she could add the earth, then set it ablaze to cause even more damage. 
