
454. My Cozy Shop

Gil finally breathed a sigh of relief after hearing that he had not been torturing the spirit within the bow for this entire time. "I feel bad that the spirit had been trapped there for who knows hope long. It was being used by a skeleton…" 

"That sounds gross. I hope I never deal with any undead. I prefer my cozy shop." Bree shivered a little not wanting to ever smelly the rotting flesh of any undead. 

"Well, it wasn't as bad as you might think. But we got so immersed in it that we got used to any smells." Remey was past the emotional talks of the spirits and was ready to get on the way to the herb harvesting. 

Su caught on to this while playing the little game of tag with the dark elemental spirit and decided to p[ush t6hings along. "I believe it is a timer to deal with the mole problem miss Bree." Bree was happy to forget the undead in her thoughts and grabbed her based from the counter.

"I will be back soon. I will leave you in charge again." 
