
Chapter 44, Taking the Bite, Part 2

And of course, I resisted this idea, at first. (Oh how we all resistat first.) I gave him every reason I was hesitant.

"Well, I appreciate the offer, but I have a boyfriend."

"And I am still technically married," he said.

"And I'm sure your wife wouldn't mind you spending an evening alone with a young woman," I said.

"Actually, she wouldn't. You see," he scooted me closer, cradling my body closer to his. "my wife and I are separated. We are not divorced, because in my culture, divorce is highly frowned on. Although we are still married on paper, we live our own lives."

"But I'm not certain that my boyfriend would approve."

"Does he know you dance?"

I could see where this was going.


"And you don't have to tell him about this, either."

"I'm still not sure," I said. That day he gave me five hundred dollars as a parting gift.
