
The Start of a Journey

[Author's Note: i changed something on the Magic chapter, he can purchase a school of magic he hasn't learned yet for one hundred store points each]

After winning his bet against his brother using his Subliminal Seduction on his target, they continued their training.

They spent the next year honing their strengths and fixing their weaknesses.

As the moon sits high in the sky and a calm, comforting darkness sits upon the land, Alex lays on a small hill near their house.

Throughout the year, Alex acquired various things, two traits, [Marathon Runner: 25% More Stamina] & [Speed Reading: Read 50% Faster]

The thing, he was mostly looking forward to was the item he got when he turned level 25, [Bronze Grade: Random Familiar Box]

'System, what does it mean Bronze Grade, what grades are there?'


Bronze Grade: average items, skills, summons, and magic.

Silver Grade: slightly above average items, skills, summons, and magic.

Gold Grade: guaranteed strong items, skills, summons, and magic, with special attributes.

Diamond Grade: demigod items, skills, summons, and magic, with greater attributes.


'Sweet.. open my random familiar box', as the last words leave his mouth, a bright light shines in front of him, making him cover his eyes.

As the glow disappears, he moves his hand away to see a large intimidating white tiger with black tribal markings covering its body, on all fours, it stands at 5'0ft.

Alex rises to his feet, slowly reaching his hand out, he gently pats the top of the tiger's head, receiving a loud purr in response.

[Please name your summon]

Looking down, he sees that the tiger is a girl, "Amica, it means friend in Latin"

[Name set, Amica is now bonded to you, all summons are undyingly loyal but if your summon dies, they cannot be summoned for five years]

Feeling his familiar's head rub against his hand, he pets her again.

'Can she be unsummoned?'

[No, Bonded familiars cannot be unsummoned]

He looks down at Amica, "It's gonna be weird telling my family about you"

Surprisingly, his family took it pretty well, they were used to strange things happening to him, so bringing home a tiger was not as surprising as making a sword out of pure magic.

With the companionship of his new familiar, another year passes, and the boys finally turn fifteen.

As the sun starts to rise, the boys, Graham, and Harold sit in the dining room.

Harold breaks the heavy silence as he looks towards Lokir, "Graham and I have told you stories about Westeros, that's where you're headed"

"You have three tasks, become a knight, be recognized as a great swordsman by each of the seven kingdoms, and win a tourney... you will return here in five years, and show me your progress"

Lokir doesn't question his teacher and just nods at him with his usual smirk.

As they turn to look at Alexander, Graham is the one to speak, "The reason we are sending him to Westeros to become a knight is that he lacks restraint and easily gives in to temptations, such as women and wine"

Lokir chuckles and Graham continues, "You however are the exact opposite, even as a child you showed maturity beyond your years and always strived to do better each day"

"We want you to wreak havoc, show the world your wild side, don't be afraid to show your magic, and do what you want to do"

"We're sending you to the Slaver Cities, and we want you to become someone with influence, wealth, power, connections, we want you to build a reputation of someone to be respected and feared but not loved"

After a moment of consideration, Alex nods his head, "I'm fine with that"

He looks down at Amica's head on his lap, "what do you think girl? fancy tearing shit up"

She purrs at him, making him chuckle.

Harold goes to a nearby closet and pulls out a large bag in one hand and a small chest in the other.

He hands the bag to Lorik, "This has several days worth of provisions and a hundred dragons, which is the Westeros currency"

He looks towards Alexander, "this chest is for you, it's filled with Coins that you can use in Yunkai, I know you have your own magic storage so I won't need to give you a bag"

As an hour passes and goodbyes are made, Lorik gets on his horse and heads west while Alex summons an Arvak, a horse made of black bones and blue flame, before heading east.

--- Two Weeks Later ---

Crossing the desert was surprisingly easy, he had enough water and food for several more weeks, he ran into a few raiders but with his swordsmanship, magic, and Amica, they never stood a chance.

Sitting in the middle of the desert on a cold night, he snuggles next to the fire, using Amica'a belly as a pillow, 'System, am I able to buy other languages from the store'

[Yes, you can buy individual languages or purchase the trait Master Linguist, to speak all languages]

'How much for Old Valyrian and Ghiscari?'

[Ten Store Points]

'Five points per language, purchase them and Dothraki'

He immediately falls unconscious as his mind learns and masters the new languages, since his birth, he had been speaking The Common Tongue, now, however, he can talk Old Valyrian, Ghiscari, and Dothraki.

Upon waking up, he rises to his feet slightly light-headed.

Looking southeast, he sees the city of Yunkai in the far distance, roughly a week away.

After giving Amica some food and water, they set off towards the city on the horizon.

[What do you guys think of the story so far?]

[I don't really care about power stones, to be honest, but if you could rate and review it, I'd be extremely grateful]
