
Author's Note I

Hai, kalian para pembaca! Ini adalah... Fanfict ketiga Author dan ini tersinspirasi dari escape room game, yang ada di America, dan juga buku ini sebenernya mau Author gunakan sebagai bentuk terima kasih untuk seluruh pembaca yang udah mau baca The Lost City, Among Us, Cassettes dan Author.. proud what I'm to be.

And... this time, Author milih si Rose karena Author pengen ngebawa aura imut dan sadis Author combine jadi satu dan I hope this story can be successful too like the others. I know - I know... Author terlalu banyak projek sampe yang satu ini lupa, dan yang satu enggak. Sebenarnya gini... Author perlu assistant buat ngehandle website dan blog.

Author masih cari dan belom dapet, karena Author bener-bener kek well, you know... workaholic and.. sometimes I feel overwhelmed but I try my best to catch up with other authors who more success than me. But, I'm really proud what I achieve today and... honestly I forgot to start mining my Pi Coins... and it's hilarious because I forgot everything.

Oh god.. I honestly make another project and it's STILL PROJECT and I also have a project on Wattpad and Ringdom Story, so, this is my new project on Web Novel. Author sebenernya udah mau buka GIVEAWAY buat The Lost City, karena Author masih mikir what digital product I gave it to my readers? I'm still thinking about it. And I wanted to say thank you for your support to my dearest silent readers. I really thankful to all of you.

So, I see you around because.. tomorrow it's black friday!

Author Lobak
