
Chapter 224: A Walk

"I accept Mr. Va-an's proposal for marriage!"

"...Wait what?"

"I accept Mr. Va-an's proposal for marriage!"

"...Wait what?"


"Can you please stop repeating that, Ms. Angela?"

"Pft. We should have had one of these back in Unique Class-1."

Back in Van's hotel room, Angela was currently leisurely lying on the bed, holding some sort of black box. A remote, she said. She was using it to replay the moment when Adia raised Van's hand, proceeding to accept her loss as well as answering Van's proposal with a confident smile on her face.

Van's face was a different story, however. The utter shock and confusion on his face were obvious for everyone to see, and this was the moment that Angela kept repeating over and over again as she let out tiny chuckles for almost 30 minutes now.

"...You seem to have gotten to know how to control the television a whole lot better while I was gone, Ms. Angela."
