
Meeting Bobby

I wake up with my head on Cas's chest. I looked up, and saw him with a very confused look on his face. I set up, and looked around. Dean was still driving, and Sam was passed out.

"You talk in your sleep," Cas said looking at me.

"Sorry, I did not know," I said blushing.

"You were trying to stop someone from opening a door!"

"Oh, so I was dreaming about that again!."

Dean looked into the rear view mirror with confusion.

"I don't want to talk about it," I said looking at the sleeping Sam.

Dean pulled into a junk yard. I noticed that Dean drives very fast do to the time frame of everything. As we pulled into the junk yard I noticed a house, and a man working on a car.

"Oh, you dropped this," Sam said handing me my wand charm.

I turned it into a necklace, and put it on. I followed behind Cas as we got out of the car.

"Hey Bobby, I need to talk to you," Dean said to the man under the car.

The man got out, and looked at us all. He got up, and followed Dean into the house.

"What are they talking about?" I asked looking at Cas.

"You," he said bluntly.

I suddenly felt embarrassed. No one said anything, that was until Bobby came outside with a shotgun pointed at me. I got wide eyed, and felt the car behind me. I was about to run, when Sam got in front of me.

"Sam get out of the way," Bobby hissed.

"She is not going to hurt you," Sam said along with Dean shouting it from inside.

"What makes you think that she is good?"

"Because she is a child of an angel. She just happens to be a witch."

"Fine, but one wrong move and she will be gone."

Sam nodded, before he went into the house. I followed Cas into the man's house. There were books everywhere, and it was dusty. I smiled as I looked around the few rooms I saw. Dean handed me something to drink as I sat down on the couch. I took a sip, and ended up drinking it in one gulp.

"Can I have another one?" I asked shaking the bottle.

They looked at me with wide eyes. I looked at them confused.

"When was the last time you ate or drank anything?" Cas asked.

"About 12 yesterday I had a small pumpkin muffin, but that was it," I answered confused.

Dean handed me another bottle, and a bag of chips. I thanked him, and dug into my little feast. They just watched me, and laughed as I licked the bag clean. Cas even laughed.

"You idjits should have fed her before coming here," Bobby said looking at the boys.

"She was asleep when we stopped, and we don't know what she likes," Dean said holding his hands up.

Bobby just shock his head. I told Bobby all that has happened, and he started to look for any information. Cas thought he could find something out from other angels, so he left to see if he could find anything out. Sam goes to the store to get some stuff. I was helping Bobby when Sam returned with some food and drinks for me, and pie for Dean. I hid behind the couch as I looked at my goodies. I made a nap sack, and put a spell on it. I made a box, and put all my goodies in it. I put a spell on the box, and smiled. I would never run out of space. I peaked at the others from behind the couch, and saw a confused Dean.

"What are you doing behind the couch?" he asked.

"I was hiding," I giggled showing my bag.

He did not understand, but nodded anyway. I pulled out the box, and showed him everything. The box made sure that food stayed good. I grabbed a box of cookies and a beer, and put the box back. I set down at the table with Dean and Sam. Sam was helping Bobby, by looking online. Cas popped up with the sound of wings. I smiled at him, but my looked changed as I looked at his face.

"I could not find anything. I am sorry," he said sitting down.

"I can't find anything out from the web," Sam said shutting his laptop.

"Balls, none of my books hold the answer."

"It's ok, I don't mind not knowing. I just need to know that I will be ok, and I will be ok."

I put on a fake smile for them, but inside I was crying. I wanted to know if I was meant to be there, or if I messed up on my spell. I would never know.

"Dean, she should travel with us," Sam said looking at his brother.

"Why?" Dean asked with a mouth full of pie.

"Because I think there is a reason we found her."

"You found her not me."

"My point still stands."

"Fine, but you are watching out for her."


Bobby walked in, and I let him have my seat. He smiled at me as he sat down. Cas let me have his seat, but I told him to sit. The men were sitting, and the girl was standing. I got them some beers and made some sandwiches. Dean laughed as I placed a sandwich in front of him.

"What is so funny?" I asked confused.

"Sandwiches made by a Witch. Sand witch." He said still laughing.

I gave a soft giggle as they ate. Cas did not eat, but he watched the others with me.

"Are you going to eat?" Sam asked.

"I will eat after you are done. I was always the last to eat at my boarding house," I answered with a sad smile.

"Well, you are not doing that anymore."

He had me sit down at his seat, and he made me a salad. It was really good, and I loved it. Dean found a case as I cleaned up the kitchen.

"Watch over those idjits. They don't always take care of themselves." Bobby said as he gave me a hug good-bye.

"I will Uncle Bobby!" I said with a smile.

He chuckled when I called him Uncle. He truly cared what happened to me. I was so happy to meet someone that cared about a misfit that somehow teamed up with a group of misfits. We waved good-bye as we headed off.

The misfit line is used in Forgotten Kingdom. I did change it a bit.

JamieElliscreators' thoughts