
Failed birthday party

Everyone has that one moment where they were so embarrassed and that very moment comes to haunt them occasionally. Sometimes your mind strays to that memory and you ask yourself, "What on earth was I thinking?"

Well, this cub was so embarrassed when he saw an entire group of people sneaking glances at his junk in the trunk that had been mislabeled as dysfunctional.

The tips of his ears reddened as he covered that area and roared, "What the hell do you think you are looking at?!" He was a black-bellied, thick-skinned psycho but even he would be embarrassed too.

Ji Yao was also a tad bit ashamed. He had told Rui Fei to stop talking about it but the idiot kept yammering on begging for a second chance. Who would have thought their secret conversation would be heard by the entire crew plus the concord. He immediately stepped in front of Rui Fei blocking everyone's view.
