
Defending one's wife

Rui Fei had never been this embarrassed in his entire life. At that time he was so absentminded as he walked out of the hot spring that he didn't bother putting on some clothes. Which was very funny because if Ji Yao pranced around shirtless in full view of so many girls Rui Fei would have reacted strongly.

Like a volcano repressed for an entire millennium he would explode at the slight presence of a pressure point. And Ji Yao walking around shirtless would provide the perfect conditions for that.

Rui Fei stared at him stupefied for a moment but that look slowly melted away when a strange thought fleet past his mind. Was Ji Yao jealous? The more he thought about it the higher the corners of his lips quirked up. Like a cheshire cat his smile grew wider and wider.
