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"You know, you should not make this a habit, Sir Isaac."

I smile a little at what Shu said. After escaping from Dunan castle once again, Riou and his companion decide to track me down, and the next morning they appear inside the inn where my family and I are staying.

"Please come inside. We can have a conversation inside."

Riou, Nanami, Shu, Viktor, Flik, and Fitcher walk inside the Inn. The owner of the inn bowed her head at Riou before serving us some tea. I sit down next to Lucina and Eli while Riou and his companion sit down in front of me.

"Let me introduce you to my family. This is my wife, Lucina Lionheart…."


"This one is also my wife, Elizabeth Lionheart..."

"It is nice to meet you."

"Next to Elizabeth is my little sister, Ginerva."


"Next to her is my mother, Eveline Lionheart."

"Good morning"

"Next to my mother is my grandmother-in-law, Valerie Gideon von Vulux."


After introducing my family, I look at Riou and co before saying.

"So! What can I do for you?"

Shu looked at me for a few seconds before saying.

"To be honest, the reason why we came here is to invite you to join the New State Army, but it looks like you already have your answer. However, for the sake of conversation, I will ask it anyway. Sir Isaac, will you join the New State Army?"

"Sadly, I can't. As you can see, I have family, and I'm on vacation. We want to explore the world, and we cannot attach ourselves to your faction because of this. However, I will try to help you as much as I can."

I mean that I will help them when my family is not coming with me.

"Very well. That is all I want to ask, and you even give us more. You give us foundation money for our people, you heal our people, and now you help us when we are cornered. As the chief strategist of the New State Army, I thank you."

Shu, Riou, Nanami, Apple, Viktor, and Flik bow their heads to me.

"Please raise your head. It was nothing. You did not need to bow your head to me."

Riou raises his head and says.

"No. What you did is something we cannot payback. You save many lives with your magic and rune. You save the future of the people from the highland. You are the savior of the people, and we are grateful for what you did. Once again, thank you!"

I'm not good at this.

"Please raise your head. I did what I needed to do. I'm happy to help you guys. So please, raise your head. Let us enjoy some tea, shall we?"

All of them raise their head, and just in time for the inn owner to come back, bringing us some tea to enjoy.


|Shu POV|

"That is really a shame."

"What is it?"

I look at Lord Riou and say.

"It is a shame that Sir Isaac did not agree to join our faction."

"He has his own family, Shu. We cannot force him to join."

"I guess you are right."

However, I cannot dismiss how Sir Isaac can boost the overall power of the New State Army. His presence alone can boost morale for all people inside the army. If Lord Riou is the beacon that gives hope for the future, Sir Isaac is the beacon of hope on the battlefield.

His bizarre magic and his usage of the rune are enough to boost the morale of the army. He is also known as a kind and benevolent person to the people of South Window. If they can recruit him, the New State Army will be stronger.

"Haaaa… Now we need to think about a new alliance. While we have enough army to go toe to toe against one of the Highland's Army companies, we still cannot do a frontal attack against them."

"Do you have any idea which one we should ask for a military alliance?"

"That is the thing. I don't know. The Tinto Republic isolated themselves for unknown reasons. The Grassland region is too divided for us to ask for help. They will not risk being attacked by the other tribes to lend their troops to us. The Harmonian Holy Kingdom is too arrogant to send their so-called holy army to aid us, the heretic. The only one I can think of willing to help us is the Toran Republic. However, I did not know how to talk to them."

There is also the problem that they just finished fighting for their own freedom from the Tyrannical rule of the Scarlet Moon Empire.

"You can ask us to do it, you know?"

I snap from my thoughts when I hear Viktor saying that word.

"What do you mean?"

"You do remember that Flik and I are former members of the Toran Liberation Army, right?"

Ah. I completely forgot about that. Viktor and Flik are the generals in the wars between the Liberation Army and the Scarlet Moon Empire.

"Then, can you go to the Toran Republic and ask them for this alliance?"

"Of course. However, before we go, I need to take something from the castle, and I am also hungry."

"You are always hungry, Viktor."

"Shut up, Flik"


"I give you my blessing."

I snap from my thoughts when I hear what my mother says.

"Pardon me?"

"I give you my blessing. I know you, Isaac. I know you will help them in this war when we are not coming with you. That's why I give you my blessing. Just come back to me in one piece. That is all I ask from you."

I look at my mother with my mouth wide open.

"Am I really that predictable?"

"I'm your mother, dear. A mother knows their children the best. You cannot hide anything from us."

"I see… Yes, I want to help them in this war in the future."

"And I give you my blessing."

"Thank you. Now come on, we should get back to my pocket dimension. I don't think I can hold back Gin Gin any longer. She is already vibrating on the chair and can not wait any longer to try her new rune."

I look at Ginerva, who vibrates on the chair like a child in a sugar rush being held on the chair. My mother chuckled a little before nodding her head and said.

"Yes, let us return back. I think Ophis is also uncomfortable sitting around the crowd."

I look to the side and see Ophis eating her cookies while being petted by Queen Dowager. While sitting on my Grandmother-in-Law lap, I can see her grimacing when a loud voice comes from the construction site near the inn.

"Yeah, let's go."

I check out from the Inn and walk out the South Window City before creating a magic circle underneath my companion and me. A second later, we arrive in front of the portal to my pocket dimension.

You can find the advanced chapter here:


Or if you want to give me some coffee.


LuxVonDeuxcreators' thoughts