

You see, now this one. Who needed Lorena's care now? That's my friends. As if from a failed investigation to awake feverish delusions, did we end up here? I was early at the psychologist's door. He smoked near the stairs. I used an air freshener that I took from the collective bathroom of the commercial building to mask the air from the smell of cigarettes. Lorena hated that I smoked in her office, even though she knew she couldn't stop me.

When she arrives I greet her with a smile, which she would later classify as a cynic. But I see cynicism in her all the time when she ironically reports on her confidential conversations with her patients.

- Which is? Will you give me a list of clients so I can outline their psychological profiles? As always?

"No, doctor," I said, standing in his way at the top of the stairs. Today I will be your patient.

- I didn't bring vodka or whiskey. I will need a strong drink for this.
