
Chapter 14: Cupcakes


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Making someone happy with just a simple effort, I would totally do it over and over again if that is the case.

I looked on the wall clock that was in the living room and it's already 3 in the afternoon. My cookies are now in the oven, baking.

It didn't take long for these yummy sweets to bake so I got them out of the oven and placed them on a clean white plate.

I sniffed the cookies and it smelled super delicious! Well, only for me though. I'm not pretty confident about this. It has been so long since I've baked and I don't know if it looks good to others. In my eyes, it looks wonderful and probably ten times better than my cookies from before. I really think that I have improved so much and I'm very proud of it!

I may be a little nervous but cheering myself up into hoping that he would like my cookies does help me a lot.

With a deep breath, I slowly and carefully made my way up the stairs while carrying the cookies on my hands.
