
Human or Immortal

Ryujin storms into Ken's office he has been unavailable for the past few days he's only just gotten through to him.

"Ryujin? What are you doing here?" The only answer he gets is Ryujin throwing the files Himawari gave to him on his desk.

"Heard you've been avoiding the Palace lately so I came here instead, are you trying to make the Super drug?"

Ken shakes his head, "Nope, why the hell would I make something that will kill people."

Ryujin flips through the pages for him, "With this no one will die."

Ken flips back, "Hitori will, I will not lose my son over something so trivial. If you have a point you want to make sharpen up will you I don't have all day." Ken checks the time it's pretty late he's supposed to be the only one in the building, "How the hell did you get in?"

Ryujin just grabs the files and leaves he feels stupid for even thinking Ken would consider using his own son for such a profitable idea.

"The has to be someone willing to donate those cells for us I'll try Yuno instead."

Ryujin surprises his wife by actually showing up after he called saying he will come pick her up from her session with Yuno in the tub.

She sees it as the modern day IV drip with no potential side effects and is great for you inside and out.

It rejuvenates the skin, Cleanses the body, halts aging, and even has weight loss benefits it's like an entire head to toe beauty overhaul.

Yuno is also about to head back to the Palace leaving Roku to complete the rest of her rounds for her.

"I still have two hours before Senitsu brings the boys to the Palace are you sure I should leave?"

Roku nods giving Yuno her jacket. "You have two hours to get all that fatigued washed off, besides today it's your turn to get Xavier from school so hurry up you know he get's impatient he might come to us."

Yuno walks out of the hospital getting in her car.

"Hi there." She ignores the person talking to her and gets in her car driving away. "Oh, come on! At least say yes to dinner"

Yuno rolls her window down, "Not happening, now quit harassing me before I call the police on your ass in case you forgot my uncle owns the entire military."

The male smirks, "What about your number than?"

Yuno shakes her head, "Not happening."

Ken glares at the brunette male with short neat hair a black tank top with blue ripped jeans and combat boots he recognises him from Yuno's college classes she used to describe him as the guy always wearing a scarf hot or cold he wears a scarf.

Yuno turns to Ken holding Xavier, "I thought it was my turn to get him."

Ken opens the car door for him, "It is, I just got worried when Ryujin came to my office and I overheard him say something about you which sent me in a panic especially when he called his wife about coming to get her from the hospital.

"I think she's overusing your ability why is she still coming to see you every day?"

Yuno ignores Ken turning to Xavier who's already falling asleep at the back, "Did he eat anything?" Yuno turns to Ken who's already leaning in stealing a kiss.

"Nope, he'll find something at the Palace food's always ready."

Yuno drives to the Palace leaving Ken with the scarf hottie glaring at each other.

"What the hell are you still doing here? Don't you have homework to do?" The male walks away turning back to see Ken getting in his car glaring at him as well.

Yuno gets Xavier something to eat before soaking in the tub with Tori.

Senitsu walks into the room with Sora crying none stop, "Yuno, are you done? I need a hand over here."

Tori gets out of the tub grabbing a towel for Yuno who jumps out of the tub drying Tori and dressing him up.

"What's wrong? Is he sick?"

Senitsu shakes her head, "He won't feed from a bottle anymore I really had a hard time for the past few days."

Tori opens the wardrobe tugging on the first item of clothing he can find giving it to Yuno still wrapped in her towel.

"Thanks Bobo mommy appreciates the help." She pecks the top of his head sitting down to nurse Sora deciding she'll get dressed when she's done.

Mitsuko follows Ken to his office holding the paper work that needs his signature.

"Is Yuno back yet? She and I need to talk."

Mitsuko nods, "Ryujin is waiting in your office by the way he arrived a minute ago and Yuno has been in her room for the past 2 hours I think, should I go get her?"

Ken shakes his head, "Keep Ryujin occupied while I see her for a second."

Yuno glares at Ken for just walking in unannounced.

"What the hell are you wearing?"

Yuno ties her dress tighter, "Tori picked it out for me."

Setsuno walks back shoving Ken out of the way he was heading to his old room in the Palace for some work files he forgot, "What the hell are you wearing? You're wearing jeans with that right? There's no way you're coming with me to the festival looking like that."

Yuno crosses her eyes and huffs she forgot Setsuno was taking her to his home town for the annual light's festival. "Sorry I forgot I can't tag along I promised Izumi I'd help babysit." Yuno points to the babies behind her.

Setsuno walks over to her wardrobe throwing a jean and sweatshirt at her, "It's a safe neighbourhood they can tag along."

"They're not old enough to travel by plane yet."

Setsuno checks the time, "It's a week long festival I'll drive."

Ken stops staring at the twins and turns his head, "I'll tag along so we can switch during the road it's a full two days drive especially considering the number of stops we'll have to do."

Senitsu sits up, "I'll take a flight with the older boys than, there's no way I'm sitting in a car for two days especially with any of you. No offence."

Setsuno brushes the comment off, "I guess we'll leave early morning I'll start packing for the boys."

Ken takes Yuno's travel bag, "I'll pack for the nudist."

Yuno sits on the bed while Senitsu follows Setsuno out of the room leaving Ken and Yuno alone in utter silence.

"Why do you have that anyway it doesn't fit you anymore."

Yuno nods lying on the bed her eyes glued to the sleeping boys Ken clears his throat catching Yuno's attention, "What?"

Ken throws a sleeping gown at her, "Cover yourself up it's hard to think with you dressed like that."

Ryujin checks the time and stands up ready to leave he's been waiting for an hour Ken walks into the room the smile on his face dropping when he realises he forgot Ryujin was waiting for him.

"Crap, I'm sorry I had an emergency I had to take care of."

Ryujin narrows his eyes, "Save the bullshit for the next moron Tachibana I know that look on your face very well, I thought you two weren't together anymore in case you don't know that includes being together in the bedroom as well."

Ken shuts the door before anyone can over hear the conversation. "It was a momentary relapse won't happen again."

Yuno wakes up when it's time for the boys to be fed again Ken walks in flopping on the bed, "Why the hell did you tell Ryujin we had sex? We did not."

Ken chuckles, "First of all I didn't say anything he assumed, besides a mother who just gave birth does not have sex and you my darling as far as everyone is concerned is not part of that list.

"I'm just using the little things like that to throw everybody off and you do realise you'll have to tell Setsuno the truth now right?"

Yuno sits next to Ken holding Sora who woke up first, "I already did, he stormed off looking for Roku my guess he's getting murdered tonight."

Roku screams like a total girl keeping his distance from Setsuno.

"Why the hell didn't you tell us?"

Roku points at Setsuno with a duh! Tone, "That's exactly the problem, the 'us' you're referring to is one too many people knowing the truth.

"It had to be real and it had to be believable besides no one was supposed to ever know the truth, if telling you means telling the others Setsuno I will have to erase the truth from you after your little festival."

"So, those are her kids? Why do we need the flower than?"

"To fool the enemy, no one can know the truth either wise all our hard work is for nothing, we need to do our part and protect them and sometimes keeping a few important details to ourselves is necessary."

Setsuno throws Roku's vase of yellow roses at him, "I'm still going to ring your neck."

Roku kicks him in the face. "My roses! You evil piece of shit, how could you?"

Setsuno punches him in the face too, "No, how could you? You're supposed to be on our side Roku, do you know how we felt when we watched Yuno so devastated knowing we failed her? When our sole priority was to save her and we failed.

"Feeling like you're not good enough, the pain we felt? The should be some level of trust in this. Leaving us in the dark was a dick move."

"It had to be real! Your pain was real. We tried it the first time leaving you all with the truth but it didn't work you're all terrible actors and you know it. We trusted you and we still do, but we don't know any other way of doing this and in the end it's all working out.

"They're alive and kicking and everyone is convinced she's still pregnant and we have the upper hand. Every move we've made has been for the long haul not thinking in the now based on how we feel.

"I know you can't understand the way we do things, the way we think, but our way keeps you alive and we focus on the way forward."

Setsuno takes a step back, "I don't care Roku, we may worry about the now, but that's because we don't know what tomorrow will bring us we don't come back from the dead we stay dead.

"Stop making decisions for us based on how you'd handle things and start making the decisions based on how they affect the rest of us, how about you give us ordinary humans a say in the plan for once because truly speaking that's a dick move.

"Screw your intentions screw things working out for us in the end because what you're doing is just using us as pawns. You can't do that to your friends anything can happen while we're waiting for your grand plan to come into fruition, do you not understand that?"

"No, because I would never let any of you die or get hurt."

"That's the thing Roku you already did, hurt is beyond just the physical scars, why the hell can't you get that? Don't you feel pain? Does it not hurt inside sometimes? Exactly what part of you is human?"

Roku looks him in the eyes, "I forgot how to be human Setsuno I honestly don't know what to say to you. You will never understand the torture of living, but never able to die."

"I can if you give me a chance and you can be human again if you give us a chance Roku, are you human or are you immortal?

"When you've made up your mind let me know. It really shouldn't be that hard the answer should already be in your head.

"Fun fact when you're human you don't have all the time in the world to think things through sometimes you do what comes to mind and deal with the consequences later, and no matter you keep moving forward."

Roku is left speechless as he watches Setsuno pack for the light festival he too would like to go, but he has work to do and he promised to cover for Yuno so he'll have to hear about it from everyone else.

"Make sure this place is spotless when I come back and don't bewitch the entire neighbourhood or anything that you're capable of. I'll call to check on you along the way. We'll talk about this when I get back."
