
Heat waves

"And what is that?? If you are curious to know about me, ask me directly."

Shanaya needed no help to recognize the owner of the manly and dominating voice.

Her body quivered when her back felt the waves of heat radiating from his body and, she presumed, he must have been just, behind her. She gulped the saliva down her throat and moved her right hand in her hair to set the fling back in a beautiful style.

"He is just trying to intimidate me!" self-convincing herself, she glanced toward Vansh and, Avni to see them thinking hard to overcome the situation.

That was one of the reasons they were her favourite people they knew when to come forward to help her when to step back and when to comfort her.

The situation was not something big, but, she could not ever let Vihaan know she was talking about him. She could not admit to herself of giving him so much, importance.

She opened her mouth to give some excuses when she heard "Who is curious about you, vihu?" questioned innocently by Avni, with her face representing the symbol of chaste.

Shanaya, along with Vansh, could almost laugh at her expressions, but somehow controlled themselves and waited for Vihaan's answer.

"I heard someone saying it, dee," stepping a little toward left, his right shoulder touching Shanaya's left shoulder, his hands in the pockets of the pants, Vihaan replied and, glimpsed at Shanaya.

Shanaya looked away the moment Vihaan glanced at her and murmured to herself "In no way in the world I am going to lose in front of him. How arrogant he is to ask when he knows it already!"

When Seconds passed and, Shanya did not hear any sound, she uplifts her eyes to see Avni and Vansh standing with no expressions, and Vihaan looking at her with face expression's she could not read.

"Are you saying that 'someone' is me??" breaking the silence, Shanaya exclaimed, turning her face North-East at 45 degrees to face Vihaan when she could not resist herself anymore.

"You won't lose anything, Miss Shanaya if you accept this," Vihaan whined, looking straight in her eyes.

He had never thought to spill out words from her will make him so happy, but, he too did not know why it feels good to tease her.

He immediately ignored the mocking words his mind snapped at him "Seriously Vihaan!! Tease her!!! what was that?"

"Oh come on man, I have no interest in you and when I don't have any interest in you why would I be curious about you?" Shanaya blabbered, withdrawing her face devoid of any treacherous expressions to the original position and her hands expressing her more accurately.

"Oh, I see. May I know who were you talking about?" Vihaan spoke with a glint of mischief in his eyes.

But, before she could answer, he spoke again, while making eye contact with her and, staring deep in her eyes, he whispered: "Don't try to fool me, by saying, you were curious about Vanshu, because, as far as I know, you guys are besties and, besties know everything about each other, isn't it??"

Breaking the eye contact, he roams his eyes at the other two.

Shanaya had just calmed her heart when she looked at Avni to saw her in the process of revealing under Vihaan's intimidating and careful looks.

Before Avni could utter more than" Umm she was.." she saw Shanaya's horrified expressions that were enough to stop her.

Relaxing a bit, Shanaya speaks before anyone could ruin it further" I was curious about that guy you were standing with."

"Who?" Vihaan took no more than a second to enquire.

"The one dressed in the Black suit with nice built and an impressive height" before Shana could control, her tongue slipped and she closed her eyes for being so careless.

"How can you so blurt with the one you have no interaction, Shanaya? You need to learn how to control your tongue" blaming herself, Shanaya opened her eyes, but could not believe her ears along with other two when she heard Vihaan asking "Why?"

"What, why? What you mean by, why? I found him attractive, worth being interested and, he is sexy and, of course hot, so I was asking about him in case they may know him" not looking at Vihaan, Shanaya shut her mouth off and started playing with her fingers.

"Definitely in need of self-control lessons!" Shanaya once again slapped herself in her mind.

When Shanaya did not hear Vihaan asking anything more, she sighed 'Thank God' but, that relief vanishes the second she looked at Vihaan and, admitted to herself she should not have said anything like that.

Looking at her with outrage in his eyes, Vihaan was controlling himself not to harm Shanaya in any possible way.

Not able to understand his behaviour, Shanaya opened her mouth to ask "what?" when he moved away with that glare in his eyes.

"Ohh my god!!!! what was that, "Shanaya shrieked, keeping her right palm on her wildly beating heart and looked around to saw Vansh and Avni breathing raggedly. She knew the powerful aura he had was enough to scare anyone, not just her.

Going deep in her thoughts, Shana recalled how his eyes had turned into a mixture of red and, black and, how she feels every time he comes near her.

She knows something was wrong with her deep down, but had no idea what it was and, she did not know whom to ask.

Her thoughts were disrupted with Avni's surprised filled voice"Seriously Shana! you are lucky to be with us right now or, god knows what would have happened with you, for your careless statements.!!!"

"haha... dee thanks to god that she didn't say anything else" controlling his laugh, Vansh spoke.

"Come on, guys, you are making me uncomfortable, now. What's the big issue in saying it? You are speaking as if he has never heard all this before! I am telling you he wants to control everything and wants no one to question him up."

"Dee, ask about his girlfriends and, you will find a list of them and, he roams around behaving, like a saint...huhh" making faces, Shana looked around to distract herself from the thoughts of Vihaan that kept invading her mind.

Witnessing Vihaan's reactions around peoples had taught Shana enough to be aware of him and to be away from him.

She concluded to herself "He is Dangerous once in anger."

"Congratulations beta! I am so happy for you" Shanaya's chain of thoughts was broken when she heard one of the ladies present at the party.

"Thank you, Aunt!" beaming, Avni replied. She further added," Meet my friend, Shanaya" and, gesturing toward Shanaya, she spoke " Shana, my aunt".

Shanaya's time was passing quickly, by introducing herself to all the people who came to congratulate Avni when Shanaya receives a notification on her phone.

She unlocked her phone to see a notification, but what she saw froze her.

Not able to believe her eyes, she kept on looking at the notification with her body chilled, her fingers trembling, her legs shaking, her mind void and her heart fluctuating.


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Love to all <3
