
Chapter 195: Discovered (3)

“What just happened?” The handcuffed woman called out stifling a shout. She had abandoned the scrubby bushes and was now helping the fallen woman up from the low ditch.

“I think that was Zane.” Henry answered looking in the town’s direction. “I can’t believe he was actually able to pull a shot off like that.”

“Well, it doesn’t matter right now.” The handcuffed lady said helping the scared woman towards the bushes. “The rest of the gangsters would have heard that shot and could come to investigate any second.”

Henry shook his head to clear his thoughts. “You are right. Willis, get the ladders ready.”

“What are we going to do with the bodies?” The handcuffed woman called over her shoulder. “We can’t just leave them here to be discovered. We still need to bring the others this way to escape.”
