
Chapter 48: Findings

The awestruck kids were facing the side of a massive building, easily dwarfing any building they had ever seen in town. In between the bush they were hiding in, and the opposite tan brick wall, was a wide white brick walkway. This walkway was lined with beautiful desert flowers and neatly trimmed hedges. The children, having grown up in the dingy rundown town and being constantly surrounded by a filthy environment, thought that they had entered into the backyard of a castle from a storybook.

Sorra suddenly blurted out a comment, "This is not what we were expecting!"

"Shhhh! Not so loud!" Clair hissed nervously looking around them.

"No one is around here." Chase said, poking his head out from the top of the bush.

"Get back in here!" This time it was Derrick that pulled him back. "Look at the wall straight ahead."
