

  "YOU GUYS!!!!! I HATE YOU!!!" I was soon drenched head to toe, with the sweet-sour liquid. I sighed in annoyance, before I joined them in the muffled chuckles they were holding back, and soon enough the lot of us were laughing our heads off.

While they went off to the dinner table, I tip-toed, and without detection, grabbed a bottle of beer, and stood behind them all.

"You guys really thought you'll get away?" they all turned their heads towards me, leaving their plates as they exchanged glances among themselves and this time shook the bottle and poured the liquid on them. They ran away all across the living room, and I held the bottle with the fusing liquid chasing after them.

I couldn't drench them entirely, but well, something is better than nothing.

"I'll go get changed, you guys enjoy the soup-y food till the time." There was now a taste of strong booze in each food item, thanks to me.
