

Later that evening, I was in my room listening to some music and dancing around, as I had no work to do today, I was left with a lot of free time. I jumped onto the bed and lied down as I thought about Taehyung. There's so much going on in my head currently, I feel like there's this void in my head. When I try to think about it, there's a sharp pain in my head. I turned the music down and turned the lights off. I sighed as I lay down to sleep.

I swiftly looked up at the door as I heard the creaking and opening of the door, I heard footsteps advancing towards me. I sat up on the bed, "Who is it-"

Before I could complete my sentence, I felt a body hovering over me. I was pushed down into the bed with a masculine, strong body pinning my hands over my head.

"W-what-" I struggled to speak as I felt his breath sway over my lips. "Hikari..." he kissed my neck as he blurted out my name and I recognized his voice.

"TAEHYUNG!" I mustered all my strength to push him off despite not wanting to.

I had to. He turned the lights on and instead of being shocked, Taehyung was smiling. He leaned against the wall with arms crossed while I sat up again on my bed and

I tilted my head into a questioning of his actions and out of the blue taehyung patted my head, "You're doing your job very well."

Ah, I see what this is about. He is probably testing me, as to whether or not I'm going to give in or if I'm an obsessive fan or the likes.

"Oh, Uhm, of course, I can't afford to lose this job." I tried to sound genuine with the excuse and it was partially true, for what I'm here for I can't go without achieving my goal. Taehyung nodded and didn't talk further and simply told me to follow him. I stared at his broad shoulders while he walked ahead of me, we didn't talk at all and the silence seemed awkward. I thought about how simply he took control of me, that was so...


To be honest, I've never experienced intimacy before, so well this would be my first if it will be.

I followed him quietly through the halls and soon we reached the living room.

"Hey Hikari!" all the members said in a unison. All of them were seated on the sofa, they gave me a welcoming smile as I walked into the living room.

I went and took a seat between Kenma and kyo. With Taehyung on my front sofa. Namhyuk and Jin on the sofa on my right and Hobi and Yuki on the sofa on my left.
