

It all happened in a moment. She came in front of me and covered me like a shield. The bullet hit her shoulder and she fell on the floor.

I held her in my arms as the blood started dripping from her shoulder. I felt her trembling against me and I felt something inside which I have never felt before. The feeling was very warm and different.

At the same time, I felt angry for her stupidity. Hector started cracking up. " How romantic. You both are the Romeo and Juliet of the underworld."

His snarky comments weren't even bothering me anymore. Right now, nothing else mattered to me except her. " Please stay with me," I whispered to her.

" Do you both have any last words? " he asked.

I didn't take my eyes off her. She stared back with pain and terror in her eyes. " Liam, I think that I might be in love with you," she said weakly.

I gently kissed her forehead. She looked very beautiful even though she was in a lot of pain. I gently brushed away the stray hairs that were covering her face. I noticed that she had one hand in her pocket.

It looked like she was holding on to something in her pocket. I held her and she passed me something with her fists clenched so that it was not visible to anyone else around. It was a pocket knife!

" Okay, it's very boring. I prefer a soap opera instead of your pathetic romance. So Liam get ready to die in three, two..."

When he was about to say one, I threw the pocket knife aiming Hector's face and it was the bull's eye. It stabbed him right in his left eye. Everyone else on the plane needed a while to process what just happened.

I used that time to my advantage. I placed Hannah gently on the floor and took away the controller from Hector. I pushed him down on the floor. He screamed as he held his hand to his eye.

The traitor next to him didn't even dare to attack me. He put down the gun and surrendered immediately.

" Where have you inserted the explosives? Tell me how to diffuse them?" I shouted at him.

" There are only 7 minutes left and it's risky trying to diffuse it. I would advise you all to run," he said.

I didn't want to hear anything else from him. I shot him multiple times in his chest, and his neck until he stopped breathing. I turned to Hector who was clutching his stabbed eye in pain. and shot him right in his shoulder where he had just shot Hannah.

" You don't deserve to die immediately. You will suffer and die until this plane explodes and you burst into pieces. " I said.

I carried Hannah in my arms and shouted to my men. " Bring me a stretcher now. Take the surgical kit and everyone evacuate the plane immediately. "

The flight attendant bought the stretcher and I placed her on it. I got outside the plane and everyone else came out except Hector.

I checked my watch. There were still two minutes left. But I can't wait to see Hector blow up into pieces. " Everybody covers your ears and get down," I yelled.

I pressed the button and that was it. The plane starred blazing and I had to cover my ears to protect my eardrums from the noise.

I looked at Hannah who was now lying on the stretcher. She lost so much blood and she needs to be treated right now. Larry was not with us right now. And none of us here were doctors.

We are in the middle of nowhere. Ricky was searching for a signal on his phone. Even if he gets a signal and manages to get help, it will take at least 45 minutes for my private plane to arrive here from LA.

So it's impossible to take her to the hospital. It's upon us to save her now. " Do anybody know how to perform surgery?" I asked.

Everyone was silent for a while. Maybe they are scared of volunteering because of me. When I thought no one would volunteer, the flight attendant stepped forward. " I am a nursing school graduate and I think I can help," she said.

That was perfect. She came with the surgical kit and tore the upper part of her dress slightly with the scissors. " God she is losing so much blood," she said.

I took out the gauze and pressed it against the wound. She winced in pain. " Please hold on to me sweetheart, It will be over soon. " I held her hand firmly.

She took out alcohol-dipped cotton and wiped off the blood clean from her shoulder. Then she took a knife and gently heated it with a lighter. She was ready to take out the bullet.

" Are you out of your mind? You are doing it without anesthesia. " I shouted at her.

" I'm very sorry. We don't have that right now. Her shoulder is bleeding too much and if it's not taken out right now, her condition will get serious. We don't have the facility to give her blood transfusion here. " she said.

" Then do it quickly. " I yelled. She stabbed the knife in her shoulder and Hannah started to scream hysterically. She gripped my hand tightly.

I know how much it hurts as I experienced it multiple times. It is like a pain which you have never experienced before in life.

"Please hold on baby, it's almost out. " I reassured her.

She pulled out the bullet from her hand but the bleeding didn't stop. Instead, the blood started to ooze out even more than before.

" What the hell did you do?" I shouted at her in agony.

She immediately pressed gauze against her shoulder and tightened it. It looks like she needed a blood transfusion right now.

" Is there any other way? " I asked her hoping she would come up with something. I can't lose her today. I should do something to save her.

" Mr. Eaton, I was able to contact the nearby city and I shared our location. The ambulance is on the way now. It will reach here in 20 minutes. " Ricky said from behind me.

" We don't have that kind of time. She is losing blood and we need to give her blood transfusion right now."

" It's okay Liam. " Hannah said holding my hand.

" Are you mad? You are going to be fine Hannah. I won't let anything happen to you."

Her hands started to tremble and she closed her eyes slowly. " Hannah, wake up. Stay with me."

But she didn't. " Her pulse is getting weak." said the flight attendant girl.

Immediately I tried giving her mouth to mouth and started pressing her chest. " Come on Hannah. " I said.

I wasn't giving up. I tried to give her CPR even more accurately. She wasn't waking up. I started to feel dizzy.

She sacrificed her own life to save mine. I never deserved to be saved by her. I treated her like an escort. I threatened her so many times. I forced myself on her even when she didn't want me to.

Still, she loved me enough to take a bullet for me. Even after being shot, she managed to give me her pocket knife which saved my life.

I don't think that anyone has ever loved me this much before. I doubt that anyone would do in the future.

Just then an ambulance arrived. They took her inside along with the stretcher. I didn't have the strength to follow up with them. I have never felt this powerless before.

From distance, I saw them inserting an oxygen mask on her face. I wanted her to survive for my sake.


It was almost two hours since she was taken into the emergency room. I was waiting outside anxiously. She became unconscious due to too much blood loss.

She was directly taken to the emergency room when we reached the hospital. I gave her my blood for transfusion since our blood group was the same. But still, she didn't regain consciousness.

I felt the Deja vu as it was not long ago she was taken into the emergency room for insulin poisoning.

This is all my fault. She was living her life normally and I should have let her live that way. I bought her into this world and if she dies today, it's because of me.

At least I got rid of Hector. He is solely responsible for Hannah's condition. He destroyed her life. And I'm not any different from Hector.

When she wakes up, I'll send her far away from me. Even though I love her now, I'm not good for her.

Dario came to me and offered me coffee. " Mr. Eaton, you must admit that you are in love," he said.

I shook my head. " It doesn't matter to anyone. And I don't deserve her. "

He looked puzzled. " Don't give up Mr. Eaton. If you find someone special, you hold on to them forever. "

I nodded. He is right. No girl I have ever met would go to this length to save me. I started to feel the same warm and pleasant feeling which I felt before.

I realize now that the feeling is love and I was capable of feeling it just like everyone else. Hannah was right. I am her other half now.
