
Rumors, Rumors, Rumors...

"May I ask why?" Andrzej asked looking at Dominik carefully.

Dominik sighed and wrapped his arms around his knees. He didn't let go of the cup.

"I have no heart for it," he replied.

Andrzej felt a painful sting. So Dominik suffered one wound too much, to that extent that he lost his enthusiasm for the job he was doing.

Nowicki went to the couch, put the laundry on the carpet and sat down next to Śliwiński.

"Since that is your decision, I will support it. And… did you ever have a heart to act, or did you always do it out of force?"

"I guess I had," he admitted after a moment's thought. "My first movies were an adventure. Fun. It was something new and interesting. Then I played with momentum. People wanted to watch me, Marek wanted me to play, so I lived up to their expectations."

"And what were yours?"

"I didn't have any. Although… My only ambition was to please Marek, so when we broke up I had to start looking for myself."
