
Hern and Hert - Vampiric Nights

There's a knock at the door. I make eye contact with my husband, Hern, before getting up and answering it. Upon opening the door I can see an elf swaying back and forth, a large grin on their face.

"Could I -hic- can I sstay here for thenight?" her words are slurred and I can smell the alcohol on her. "I cann give you thiss bottle of brrandy as paymmint." I watch as she waves a bottle of brandy around in the air.

"Make yourself comfortable," I say as I wave her inside. I look at Hern and I can tell he's thinking the same thing as me. Any vampire worth their dust knows intoxicated blood serves as both food and alcohol. I set her down in a chair and she hands me the brandy. I think we'll save that for another guest. After placing it on the shelf I sit back down next to Hern.

"Can Ii telll you twoa story or twoo?" The elf that has yet to introduce herself leans forward in her chair, that grin still widespread on her face. Her blonde hair falls in front of her face and we watch as she begins to play with it. Hern chuckles beside me and I can tell that he's as intrigued as I am.

"Go ahead and tell us a story." His voice burns through me like embers and I can tell that it does the same to her. I watch as she shudders lightly and tries to make eye contact with me instead.

"I used to be a muh- a mercenary, an' occaaasionally I would travel witha same group of other mercenaries, this's loooonng before I came to Skyrim. I lived in Cyrodiil for maaaaanny many years before I came hhere." She staggers over her words as she continues to try to explain. "So we ffinished a job togetherr, yeah? An' our cliiient gave us a crate of Firebrand Wine, which is a vveeery rarre an' expennsive drink. So we drank it all in one night. To admire it." she giggles as she leans back into her chair and continues her story.

"So we alll got incrreddibly drunk," she giggles again, "and we deciided it would be a grreat idea to run around in the woodss. Most of us got sepparated an' I rememmber thinking that everything was ffine until we heard a scream comin' sooommewheerre from the middle o' the woods. We all followed the scream to see what was goin' on, and when we reached it we-" her expression turns somber. "We found one of our friends dead... in the arms of a stranger." I turn to Hern to see if he's still listening and I see that he's leaned forward. I can see in his eyes that he recognizes her. "He was a vampire, the first one I had ever seen. His eyes glowed red in the dark and we were all struck frozen from fear as he escaped with the body of our friend."

"I'm sorry to hear about your friend." I tell her as I watch her face droop down, her hair covering it entirely. "I'm going to go grab some firewood." I glance at Hern, who continues to watch the stranger in our home with a slight glare. Looking back I watch our guest look up at me with a friendly smile.

"I'll ssee you when you get back, then." There are visible streaks on her face from tears. I take my leave, hearing her say something about another story as I close the door behind me.

Hern knows her, I can tell. She must have been part of the group that killed his nest while he was out. I think this guest of ours isn't at all aware of whose house they've stumbled upon, but the look on her face when she realizes will make this all worth it.

I stroll down the small hill and enter the cabin. Bloody rags litter the place, and the animal meat has begun to rot. We'll need to replace it soon. I wrap it up with the rags available and place it underneath the table.

I leave and walk back up the hill, stopping to pick up firewood on the way. Turning back to the house I can see that our guest isn't in the chair anymore, Hern must have made his move. Smiling, I drop the firewood I've collected back into the pile and waltz back inside.

Upon opening the door I'm filled with shock. Food and broken glass litters the floor, obvious signs of a struggle. Hern lays still on the floor next to the knocked over chair that our guest sat on just minutes before. I take a few steps toward him when something rolls in front of my feet. Looking down I see the head of my husband and I fall to my knees. Grasping his head in my hands I look into his dead eyes and watch as my tears roll down his cheeks.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see something shift. I look over and it's a piece of broken glass. My reflection shows I hold fear and anguish on my face while our guest stands tall behind me, a woodcutter's axe raised high above. I close my eyes as she brings it down on my neck.

Ghel drops the bloodied woodcutter's axe and immediately places her hands on her own neck, searching frantically for any bite marks. When she finds none she looks down at the two headless vampires that lay at her feet and she picks up the bottle of Cyrodilic Brandy.

"I guess... I poisoned this for nothing." She's breathless after her scuffle with Hern. She inhales deeply, regaining her composure before kicking Hern and dropping a Nightshade on him. "That's for Soren."
